Friday, June 12, 2009

Who Do People Say We Are?

Matthew 16:13 - When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?"

The world view is the majority, the wide path leading to destruction. (Matthew 7:13) Jesus once told the Pharisees (religious leaders) they were of the world but He was not. He told them of the destruction they would face because of their sins. Believers and followers of Christ are told to be in the world but not of it. The world around us is perishing, filled with sin and lawlessness. I'm sure this is easy to see these days. God tells us to take the narrow path, spiritually, which is believing in Jesus. There is only one Way.

Jesus was in the minority in His days. His beliefs, His lifestyle, His demeanor all looked narrow and so different from the majority of the people. His words must have grated on some people's nerves. He offended just because He had the audacity to claim He was sent by His Father, that He was the Son of God. Aren't we seeing offense taken today at the mention of God? Aren't Christians being silenced for their beliefs? Aren't we even seeing more and more use of God's name in the form of demeaning exclamations rather than exaltations?

So, who do people say we are? If Jesus can ask that question of Himself, so can we. We who have Jesus as our Lord and Savior can claim "saint" status. Who do we think we are to make such a claim? Are we self-righteous? No, but yes to taking our rightful stand with Jesus. We are to be added to the numbers of disciples that have gone before us and are alongside us today. This might seem very offensive and arrogant to some. That's what Jesus faced in His day; it's what Christians today face.

So, who do people say we are? We fall into two categories. Either we're in the world or in Christ. Being in Christ doesn't make us perfect, though. I think this is where a lot of people get hung up, thinking because we claim to be in Christ, we consider ourselves as better than others. Simply not true, although--again because of our imperfection--some will act as though they are. Jesus came into this world with a servant's attitude. He washed the feet of His disciples for crying out loud! He allowed Himself to die on the cross for all our sins. Does that sound like He was better than anyone else? He humbled Himself. In John 3 we are told that Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it through Him. If He thought so highly of Himself He could have looked down His nose at all sinners but instead He associated with them, which brought sneers from the religious left, the Pharisees.

Jesus' blood at Calvary covered our sins and continues to cover our imperfections. We are still are sinners. There's no change there. Nothing we can do, no works--going to church every week, reading the Bible every day, praying, giving offerings and tithes--can gain us this status. Nothing, other than taking the step to accept the words of Jesus Christ,
that He IS the Way, the Truth and the Life and believing that what He says is true. Receiving Him into our lives. That doesn't mean that we should continue in our old lifestyles and habits if they are not in line with God's Word. But all that will be made clearer after the first step is taken.

So who do people say I am? I wonder.... I'm thankful for the new life I have received. I'm thankful to be called a child of God and a saint. It's not always easy. Jesus didn't say it would be. I don't consider myself better than anyone else. There was a time when I believed that just because I knew who God was and I wasn't Jewish made me a Christian! I balked at those who wanted to convert me. Who did they think they were!? But one day the Lord touched my heart, took my hand and opened my eyes. I'll be forever grateful for that day.

Ephesians 2:18-19 - For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God...

Thank You, Lord, for the truth of Your Word. May it penetrate to the very depths of my soul and spirit. May others who today find you a rock of stumbling one day pick themselves up and see that it was Your hand that helped them.

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