Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Red Thread that Binds

Romans 1:11-12 - For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established--that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.

When I read this it reminded me of friends, especially those who share the common bond of a relationship with Christ. I have few really true friends in Christ, and yet there are so many out there I've not met yet! There are two people I can immediately think of that I so enjoy hearing from. One is a woman I worked with who, when we found out what we shared, became a much closer friend. A bond was formed. The other is a woman who has a blog that I happened upon at the beginning of this year. We communicate via email occasionally and we also share the same desire to know God more and to realize what God has for us. Christ is our mutual friend.

Yes, I like to see my friend...I like to hear from her. We sometimes get together for spiritual marathon weekends when my husband is out of town. We recharge. Oh, we don't always talk nonstop about God, but He is in our conversation a lot. We share things we've heard or learned, experienced or what God has shown us. The hand of God or the voice of God in our lives. We find, as we always have, that we are constantly parallel in our walks. We share the same frustrations, curiosity, fear, doubt. We walk together because we are in agreement about who God is. (Amos 3:3) And we boost each other up...1Thessalonians 5:11 - Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.

We know our hearts are in tune. Our spirits as well. I can be thinking of Gail and the phone rings and vice versa! And it's always so much fun to know that God is teaching her the same things as He's teaching me. Our spirits are one. We are in one accord. It's almost commonplace that we begin a conversation, out of the blue, about something each of us just heard...and yet it still is a wonderful surprise and a confirmation that we are hearing from God.

That's my "physical" friend. Then there's my "internet" friend, Shirley. I found her blog when I was Googling a phrase and it happened to be in her blog. When I read the blog I was blown away and had to write her to tell her so. Our friendship took root. We share some similarities. There are a lot of "been there, done that" moments we share.

I recall moments when I have come into contact with a Christian without realizing it only to have this strong sense I've met them before when I know it was virtually impossible. When the fact that they are a Christian comes to the surface, I realize why I've had that feeling. It's that bond, a Thread, that connects us as sisters (or brothers) in Christ. It is a Red Thread who is Jesus Christ.

I've mentioned before that Jesus is also known as the Word and the Word is also the Bible. The Bible shows us in the Old Testament a Christ concealed various ways. He was a type of the very first animal that was slain to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness. He was the lamb that was slain for sacrifices by the Jewish people. He was the blood applied to the doorposts of their homes just before the exodus out of Egypt to show they were not to be killed, that they were God's chosen people. There are many other examples. It's all about His blood. His blood which He shed for the remission of our sins. His blood is the Red Thread. This thread connects us to God and it connects those of us who are in relationship with God. Is that why there is a red bookmark in most Bibles, I wonder?

I'm so thankful for the Red Thread that binds me with my Christian friends. Only when one identifies that commonality does one truly understand what I mean. Thank You, Lord, for the blood You shed and for those people who have received forgiveness of their sins through this blood. It is by Your blood that you hold us together as friends...we are called friends of God and we are friends spiritually with others on this earth. The glory goes to God for this connection, this bond, this Red Thread. The Red Thread will never leave us nor forsake us even when others might. It is He who has shown His love by laying down His life for His friends. (John 15:13)

Proverbs 18:24 - ... there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

That friend is Jesus Christ. Do you want to know Him?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the tie that binds! You are so right about the Red Thread that ties us together...when we allow Him to. Thanks for sharing!
