Monday, August 24, 2009

Your Kingdom Come

Matthew 6:9b-10 - Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We sang a song in church yesterday that had these words. I've heard the words, prayed the words as a child and as an adult. Yesterday I couldn't wait to get home and start this blog because it sparked something in me in the short time we sang.

We all know this prayer. It's the beginning of the Lord's Prayer. I've heard that it should be called the Disciples' Prayer, one that Jesus taught them. Whatever it is called, I was struck by just these two verses, especially the last two sentences. It is one we are to take to heart, not just repeat without thought.

What struck me while we were singing was the picture I was receiving in my mind. "Your kingdom come." Our God is our Father in Heaven. He is to be hallowed because He is a holy God. No evil can be before Him. The kingdom to come shows there is something in store in the future. All that is in Heaven and will be allowed into Heaven, must be holy. He did not create this world for it to become what it has. Clearly it is not a sinless world and we clearly are not sinless people. We are all imperfect, born into sin and carrying that sin until we realize our need for a Savior, hear the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and gratefully invite Him into our lives.

So, "Your kingdom come." When we have asked Jesus into our lives, the Kingdom resides within us. This is to be our plea for this world. That the kingdom of God would be received and accepted here on earth through belief and trust in Jesus. Let the evil in this world be replaced by righteousness. Holiness is an action, a characteristic. It is being good and kind, filled with the Spirit of God, compassionate. It should be in our hearts to desire that for ourselves and for a world free from all the evil that exists.

"Your will be done..." This world is not only about what we like and how we live. It has a little to do with us but more to do with how God would want us to live. Some are good at this, without knowing Jesus, but what we do should always be done "in the name of Jesus." We are to glorify Him. He doesn't object to unbelievers' love for others, but I think He would like it if He were recognized as the one who gave these people the love.

We are to be in the act of doing what He desires, not what seems important to us. It doesn't mean we cannot do those things that bring pleasure to us, but even in that we should be recognizing God the talent, wisdom, patience, whatever, that He has given us. Sadly, I don't know of too many people who take the time to recognize that their gifts, whether big or small, important or behind the scenes, are gifts He has given before the beginning of time--and in our mothers' wombs.

"...on earth as it is in heaven." That about sums it up. Our Father in heaven who is holy has always desired that earth would be like it is in heaven. It started out that way in the Garden. That truly was heaven on earth. But man listened to a lie and we have been listening to the same lies ever since. Yes, God has given us beautiful things. Of course they are all to be recognized as God's creation. They proclaim the glory of God who made them.

"...on earth as it is in heaven." How glorious it will be on the day when Jesus returns to reign on earth, when earth will be like heaven. His kingdom will come someday, hopefully soon. It won't look like this earth but I understand it will be even more beautiful. Hard to believe. Only holiness will be allowed and only those who are righteous...along with Jesus. The new kingdom will be filled with new people, those who have been made holy through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Take the time to think about this section of prayer. Let the cry of our hearts be that His kingdom would come to end the evil in today's world. Let us cry out for the will of God not only in our lives but to manifest itself on this earth, even if it means replacing what we have with something new. Pray that this world would recognize God for who He is and should be.

Mark 1:15 - "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."

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