Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Door

Psalm 46:10 - Be still, and know that I am God...

I'm thankful for God. I can't imagine what it would be like to live without knowing there is Someone who knows your heart, your desires, your pain, your needs.  And we are told all through Scripture just how great our God is.  He is our portion in times of trouble.  He is our Strong Tower, a place to run for refuge.  He is the Light in the darkness of this world.  He is our Path and, again, the Light upon it, to guide us.  He can be whatever we need Him to be, if we just search for Him in the midst of whatever our need happens to be.

I received some news this week that was upsetting.  It was news I'd heard once before a few years ago.  It does not pertain to me or family, but affects me.  I know I have grown in maturity since that time because although the news was somewhat bothering, beneath it all I have a sense of peace.  I know God is in control and most often the trials anyone goes through are for a good purpose, although we don't always recognize it at the time.  He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him.  I could get angry or become anxious but I'm certain somehow He will allow His will to be done.  And that is so important to understand, not just for me, but for those who will be affected by all this.

When we are troubled about anything, He is there to help.  Search and learn the Him in the pages of the ancient history of the Bible and He will be found.  But we need to actively seek Him.  We cannot always count on the teaching of others. It is His desire that we sit at His feet and listen to Him speak to us through and even between the lines in the is His word to us and for us.

Who is God?  First of all, I have to add that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person with three distinct functions.  A few things that describe Him were listed above.  Here are some of His attributes:  He is mighty, just, cannot lie, merciful.  He loves all people and rejoices over us with joy and singing.  He is also all sufficient, omniscient and omnipresent. 

He is our Creator and our Heavenly Father. He is our Provider. He tells us He is I AM. What more do I need to say there?  HE JUST IS. He is our Healer and the Lord who sanctifies.  He is our peace, righteousness, Holy One, Judge. He is jealous for us. He is everlasting. He is the Rock of our Salvation and the Rock which we can stand on for our strength. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  He is Alpha and Omega, first and last, beginning and end. Jesus, as God, is our Bread, our Living Water, our Salvation, our Shepherd. Oh, if only I could put into words how each of those words mean the same thing--He is life everlasting.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling strengthened just listing these. Whatever your need, that He is!  I AM WHO I AM.

But to me He is most importantly the Door. Years ago that Door was placed before me. I entered that Door and entered into eternal life, into righteousness, into forgiveness.  In this world we don't have three doors from which to choose from like the popular game show, but we have two...the Door to everlasting life or the door to everlasting death. And we have a choice which door to choose. If they are marked Door or door, I'd take Door.

I bring that up only to show you that without the Door I would not have the peace within me over this situation. Without the Door, Jesus, I would not know all that He can be for me, or for you. I would not be strengthened in the midst of trials, I would be devastated. Even the things happening in this world would be a concern. But because I entered that Door who is Jesus, I know that He will be my every need.

The Door is the Shepherd, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. When we follow our Shepherd our paths are straight and well lit. He is the Light in the darkness that is the world.  He is the Light on my path.  I am engraved in the palm of His hand. (Oh, how I love that scripture.) And because of that I am secure in Christ.

I only see part of what this situation is. But God already knows how it's going to end.  He knew before the beginning of time that on this day I would be writing this. So He knows the beginning from the end.  He is the Alpha as Creator and the Omega as the soon coming King. He had the first word in creation; He will have the last word when Jesus comes back to reign on earth. So anything in between the first and the last He has covered! So, why should I fret over something I know He's in control over?

I'm thankful for the day I AM showed me that Door where I met my Savior and Shepherd. He has given me Bread and took away my thirst with His Living Water.  He is my Hope and my Help in time of trouble. I'm thankful I have the I AM.

Exodus 3:14 - And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you.


  1. "I'm thankful for God. I can't imagine what it would be like to live without knowing there is Someone who knows your heart, your desires, your pain, your needs."

    Interesting how you and I find this comforting but someone like Hitchens and Dawkins etc. find "being known" intolerable. Much like criminals shrink back from the law while law-abiding citizens are made secure by the same law.

  2. "Be still and know that I am God" really is the only way for a Christian to get through life that does not get any easier simply because we chose Him; in fact, it gets more difficult simply because we chose Him. There really is peace in the pain.
