Monday, September 13, 2010

I Have a Headache!

Psalm 42:11 - ...I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.

Yes, I have a headache. Those who read my blog whether frequently or not, or those who are tuning in for the first time, you must know that I often have thoughts swirling through my head and that's what happened this morning at church. I'm writing this blog Sunday afternoon and I have a headache from all that has transpired...oh, the thoughts swirling. But it's a good "yet shall I praise Him" kind of headache. So, praise God!

If you go to "Lord, Why?" you will know where I'm coming from...again. Again and again and again the Holy Spirit of God ceases to amaze me, thrill me, comfort me and definitely let me know in no uncertain terms He hears me, He knows my sitting down and my rising up; He understands my thought afar off (Psalm 139:2). Yet in my human mind, my human nature, I forget this. And I'm not the only one who forgets, believe me!
Pastor Rory Grooters spoke today on "Where's My Life Going?" and offered five things to do and remember while stepping into tomorrow (perhaps I'll write about them tomorrow). He spoke about seasons of life and ruts we get ourselves into, even in our Christian walk. When we first received Christ there was an excitement, a giddiness, that whole new world I've written about. But with most things, the newness wears off. Ruts might enter in. I was in a rut until I knew Jesus. Then I was on top of the world. But other ruts keep happening and I sort of have felt I've been in a rut again lately. I could equate my ruts to the creases on my aging forehead! He said that without purpose, guidance and direction we have no power, especially if they don't come from God.

What's that scripture about not worrying about tomorrow....? Oh, Matthew 6:34! God knows the struggles we go through and allows them to occur occasionally to strengthen us, draw us closer to Him, learn--yet again--to trust Him. (Well, there's something else I forgot that I've known...) Do not worry.... 

I've been wondering why and when I will see God at work in my life...or when I will see myself working out God's will. Pastor Rory suggested that we take it a day at a time and let God's will come to us rather than our looking or striving for it. When we meddle, when we think this is how it should be done, we undo God's work. We are told over and over not to strive. "Be still [don't strive] and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).

To add to all this bombarding, my brain was our Sunday school class which briefly talked about prostitution and whoring! Yeah, really! And how does that fit in, you might ask!? Does God really talk about that?! Yes...when we hunger for significance. When we want recognition for something God has actually done through us. When we don't give Him the credit. 

We want to do something for so others notice us. We want to be noticed, like the Pharisees...see how spiritual I am. This is not what the Lord wants. As this teaching was going on my thoughts darted to these scriptures:  

So the last will be first, and the first last - Matthew 20:16
God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble - James 4:6.
I must decrease so that He might increase - John 3:30.  
Proverbs 16:9 tells us A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps and Proverbs 16:3 says Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established. Do you see? When we are in right relationship with Him, God directs our steps whether we know it or not so we might as well give it to God in the first place rather than messing it up ourselves. Hmmmm. It's not about us, after all, it's about Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, and all they do in me. Not my striving, but my being guided, God's purpose and direction, not about what or how we plan on doing for God but how we allow God to use us to work out His perfect plan. Twice in Matthew 6, verses 6 and 18 it is said, your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly...and our Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Although these speak of praying and fasting in quiet manners rather than so everyone will notice, I believe it holds true for the works God planned for you. We need not brag about them for others to notice; God knows. And He will reward accordingly.

Our human nature needs to take a back seat and realize that His plans are greater than ours. Sometimes, I think, He puts us in a rut because we've tried to walk outside His will. And that rut, like I said, leads us back to Him. I will yet praise Him despite these ruts He allows me to fall into. Hopefully the next time I stumble into a rut, I will remember all this and be able to get out of it more quickly.
Huh, there was a time when I swore I would never ask "why, Lord?" But "Lord, Why?" was my question just the same. When will things happen? His answer was to wait...on Him. In His perfect timing...His directed steps when I submit to Him. Trust Him. I also believe that things happen that He doesn't always allow us to we will not get a big head about it. Just my thought there. I think another scripture says it all, yet it is so contrary to our human response regarding needing that pat on the back:

1Peter 5:6-7 - Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

1 comment:

  1. So true, Laurie! It is not about striving ... it is about being His will all day long! And yes! He doesn't always allow us to know ... and that is a good thing!
