Galatians 5:1 - It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
I have decided to undertake a Bible study on my own this fall. I had it stashed away with the intention of doing it awhile back and feel now is the time. It's called Fully Alive by James Robison and Beth Moore.
The gist of it is this: there are many people who claim to be Christians but they live like they aren't…they take on victim mentalities and never seem to be able to get beyond these stages in their lives. We all fall into this (pity party) category from time to time; we are never going to be perfect, but some are able to get beyond the issues of life as they come up. We can learn how to more quickly avoid the negative thoughts that consume us.
We have an example: Jesus Christ. Look at all He did without complaining, without pitying the fact that He was sent from heaven with the express purpose of dying for all mankind! It is He we are to look up to, to seek. He is the "author and finisher of our faith."
St. Irenaeus said: The glory of God is man fully alive.
That's quite a statement. Imagine if everyone could get beyond their issues and be all who God had wanted them to be. It would definitely be to the glory of God.
This study will be geared to showing us how to get beyond the strongholds that keep us in bondage and fully understand what some of scripture tells us we are in Christ (I'm going to be personal here): I am a new creation (2Corinthians 5:17), more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37), able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) and an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of His testimony (Revelation 12:11). These will help me remember that I have freedom in Christ. As Robison said: I am free to fight effectively but not free from the battle…[and] it's not quick fix.
Robison explained, with much emotion, a time when he fell into despair though he was an effective minister. He later realized what he had done…he used the Bible, the Word of God, as a tool to create sermons for other people, but he did not use it as a means to draw life from it for himself. He was able to tell others what they were to do but he failed to do it himself. I wonder how many of us fall into this same category? Do I do this?
He had determined early on to dedicate his life to Christ, to let his life mean nothing to him and only act according to God's plans without thought for himself. And he failed. He began to work believing the lies that he was doing it for Christ when he was doing it on his own and receiving accolades. Pride set in and in time he came to the realization he had failed in his original commitment. He became self-centered, not Christ-centered. Publicly he was successful but privately he was a failure in God's eyes.
He'd lost his first love, Jesus Christ, and allowed the enemy to take hold of his life and draw him down, even to a point where he wished he could die. This is what the devil does...gets us where we are the weakest...and builds on those weaknesses. James confessed to other believers what he had been doing and found the strength, through God, to overcome.
Becoming a servant rather than being served, giving rather than receiving, counting it all as loss….giving without any expectation to receive in return. Thinking of others first. This is what we are to do and be. Can we really get to that solitary place in our lives where we don't matter anymore? When we can grasp this idea I believe we get it! When we can be content with no more than Jesus as our best, perhaps only, Friend, our Savior, our Mentor, our Guide in life, we get it. Then we know we are fully alive and that nothing else in this world matters.
But, oh, how we cling to the world. How it says "follow me." How it lures with pretty things. How it draws us to want more of it, like it will be the end all. I read something somewhere recently (sure don't know where!) that life should not be looked at as just a beginning and an end. If we have this mentality, of course we're going to want to live life in the moment and take all we can get because "once we're gone, it's gone." In Christ, however, life is eternal. Our eternal life is what's most important, not today. What a marvelous concept! I believe that because I have chosen to accept Christ. But have I made that full commitment to living fully alive in Christ?
I'm not drowning in pity or dismay or outright fear of my future, but I know there is more out there. I believe I have enough reverent fear of God to keep me wanting to know Him more. As I wander through this study, I hope to share some of the highlights and hopefully some of the things I've learned and will strive (in a good way) to do.
Beth Moore quoted 2Corinthians 10:5: Cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. This should be our goal.
Beth and James discussed strongholds. That is something that has a strong hold on us, that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. When we pride ourselves in accomplishments that are clearly our own, we have done just that…exalted ourselves. We have become self-absorbed, self-centered, self-congratulatory. Me, me, me. When we choose to be who we want to be, we have exalted ourselves again. Our plans, our ambitions…apart from God. We have not counted our lives as loss…rather we are still clinging to worldly opinions of us…what do others think of me? We have not abandoned ourselves and our natures to God. That is NOT freedom in Christ.
Stronghold is a strong hold…of our thoughts, our words, our actions. It grips tight. Freedom, in Christ, is that strong hold being released, freeing us of what we cling so deeply to. Beth discussed how some of us can mask our true feelings to hide those strongholds in our life that we would have control over our circumstances. That is bondage. When we are able to release that bondage we become free. When we hunker down and open up the Word of God we can be set free from the bond of slavery. Matthew 4:4 - Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" It is His Word that bring us life. He sent His Word [Jesus] and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psalm 107:20).
We are raised with these strongholds, those things we want to push aside or stuff and believe we can overcome on our own. Things like childhood abuse, in any form, physical appearances that brought on teasing, lack of parental approval or encouragement, rejection or criticism. These can bring on attitudes that we put on to mask the real issue. It won't go away, but it will fester…until we let it come to the surface and let God heal us. And without God, we are powerless to overcome these things.
I still know there are some who find this idea of abandoning ourselves to Christ something that "ain't gonna happen" because they don't want to be under the authority of anyone but themselves. It was probably an authority figure in the first place that got us to this place. This might be a hard word, but, according to James' wife Betty, those people have unteachable spirits. In some way, we all have to admit this is us. There can be a fear of God that is distorted when there shouldn't be. God's Word is Truth and it's full of love and life. It first takes an understanding that God truly does know better what's good for us and has a greater plan for our lives than we could imagine. I've gotten to first base with the knowledge thing, and hopefully I'm heading to second on accepting this as a very good thing to do. Third base will be when I am truly able to do it. A home run will be those last steps at the end of my life into the the presence of Jesus, hopefully hearing, "Well done..." I have a long way to go...with not much time left.
We can get beyond those things that keep us in bondage. In Christ we have the authority to cast down those strongholds (2Corinthians 10:4). And we don't have to wait until things get so difficult or so miserable. We can do it now, with the help of God, through His strength, when we make the commitment to allow Him to effect a change in us. When we look to God and are guided by Him, the enemy cannot gain access. But, Beth says, if something should strike it might be the very thing that kick starts the process and we should not look at the circumstance as horrible but as the door to freedom. Hallelujah.
If you sense there is a stronghold in your life, take the time to consider searching your heart and asking Jesus to make a difference in your life. Receive Him, receive His Holy Spirit and let the work of healing begin.
Psalm 138:8 - The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands.
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