Colossians 3:1 - If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.
I received some bad news this week. My mother-in-law's caregiver has a mass about the size of a grapefruit in her liver, along with ten cysts. This all happened since July. Anyone who finds him or herself in this type of situation is definitely going to be filled with frantic emotions, one would think. It has taken me a couple days to process this and yet I can't understand it to the fullest because I'm not the one experiencing this.
Carla does not appear to be frantic at all. Why not? Because she is a follower of Jesus Christ. She is a strong believer. Perhaps she is in the denial stage, but I don't think so. When I looked into her eyes the day she told us, although she did not know whether it is benign or malignant, she had a peace that was unbelievable. There were no tears and no pain on her face.
How can this be? I will share what she told me: "At first my thoughts were, 'Lord, I will be seeing you soon.'" She couldn't wait. She was excited and she smiled and she looked so content. She said after a couple days she sort of "came to her senses" when she started thinking about her children. That could be her biggest concern. But she is not worried about death or even what she may go through in the process.
She shared with me how she just can't imagine how she could handle this without Jesus. That is the comment so many make when in the midst of crisis. He is the firm foundation. No matter what the outcome is for Carla, and to be blunt here, whether it is life or death, she knows where her salvation lies. She knows His plan for her is for good and not for evil (Jeremiah 29:11). She has been raised with Christ in her receiving Him at some point in her life. She has sought those things that are above and she certainly seeks them today. She is secure and in death she will be wrapped in His arms.
So what's so good about His plan if it is death? Carla and I talked briefly about this, about how in a crisis when one relies on the Lord for their strength, peace and confidence, something rises up within us and causes us to be "in the face" of others about how Jesus is in the midst of the dilemma. One can't help but expound on how Jesus is that strength and our confidence is in matter what.
I experienced this years ago. I was out of town when I was still working and a terrible thing happened. Without going into a lot of detail a man I met (for less than an hour of our time) died. He had a tragic accident while I was with him and although I was not at total peace while I was rushing for help, afterward I know Jesus was with me and gave me that peace that passes all understanding...which people noticed...and questioned...which prompted "witnessing." God even sent a "ministering angel" to be there when I needed it the most...a female police officer, a Christian woman...and we prayed together. God was so involved in the tragedy of that day. Let me add that although there was peace, I still felt sadness for this young man who lost his life so age 30-something. To this day I wonder what "good" came out of it all. I know somehow God touched someone's life.
Without the true knowledge of Jesus Christ, without the presence of a living God, without His Holy Spirit residing in someone, fear, dreadful thoughts and worry can consume. But if one looks up, over and beyond the situation, and realizes that nothing surprises God, and remembers that He knows the beginning from the end, that He is the only One who can handle the situation, one can still have peace.
Carla need not worry today about her children. I don't know their spiritual condition, but through her witness in this trial, they may realize where they need to be if they are not there. She has no control over them, but God does. There may also be many people she is in contact with in her family, with friends, people she takes care of and coworkers she can touch with the peace, love, strength and confidence that Jesus Christ has to offer. She agreed. There is a scripture that tells us we can plant the seed (of Jesus Christ), someone else can water it, but it is ultimately God who does the work (1Corinthians 3:7). She just needs to be She is in the midst of doing His work.
I will pray for her daily. She is a dear, dear young woman. Yes, a positive end to this in the world's eyes would be wonderful. But I'm so thankful she is at peace with whatever outcome she is given. She is in a win-win battle. She can't lose. Of that we can be grateful.
John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Your blog is very interesting to read. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
No she can't lose; she can only gain it all.