Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Merry Heart

Proverbs 15:13 - A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. 
Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor? There is no scripture to back this up, at least none that we can locate. But He does laugh. And who says living a Christian lifestyle can't be much fun? 

As for me and my two closest church friends, we have more than enough good times. Yes, for some it would be considered sterile because we aren't getting down and dirty with our discussions. But as was evidenced yesterday afternoon, we had plenty of things to chuckle about. Did I say chuckle? I mean gasping for air, teary-eyed, side-splitting, stomach hurting laughter. Laughter that would erupt again time and time again just because of mental images. It brings a smile and laugh to me even as I write this! Sorry, I'm not going into detail on what caused the laughter....that's our secret!

But I can share this: "You guys, I have a proposition for you. How would you like to join me for a week in Arizona? We would have a good time. There's an arboretum nearby, we could go inner tubing on the Salt River, visit Old Scottsdale, take a drive to the Painted Desert. We even have a pooted heal!" "Whaaat?" "Oh, I mean a heated pool."

Well, that sent waves of laughter through us in the restaurant. Good old Laurie slips again! "Gee, that sounds like some kind of bird, perhaps one native to Phoenix?" I will search for one when I'm down there next week. That was just the start, however. It got a lot better as the day wore on.

Consider little children and their innocent remarks and some of the things they do. I think of Art Linkletter and his program of years ago, "Kids Say the Darnedest Things." I think of some of the goofiest looking animals, like a platypus or a manatee. Wouldn't you say their quite humorous in appearance? Even the behavior, like an otter's, can be funny. God created them all. So I truly think He has a sense of humor.

Some people can get pretty uptight about natural things in this world. Being a Christian does not mean you can't laugh. I truly believe God made us with certain natural "functions" (some that get worse with age, ahem), to keep us humble. That way no one can say, although they try, that they are above such things, that they are better, that they are immune. Just wait till you hit your 60's...and later. All form of pride will be whisked away! We might even get to the point when we say to ourselves, well, I'm at that age when this is expected! Proverbs 11:2 - When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. So pride brings disgrace? Just let it go (no pun intended),  and thank the Lord for His wonderful creation! The wisdom is borne out of humility, of giving in and admitting that things happen...and God knows...and perhaps He laughs. Then I remember the scripture, "We are created in the image of God." Ooooh.....hmmm.

I've had friends who find it difficult to laugh or even be cheerful. What a prison that must be like. Laughing is the one thing so easy and can be done at no cost. It releases endorphins within our bodies that relieves tension, soothes the soul, spirit and heart. We've all heard the expression laughter is the best medicine. I'm sure that's why God created itIt should be a daily good laugh, or more, a day. When we were finished with our day, the three of us were pretty darn joyful!!

There's nothing worse than a stuffed shirt, one that can't live with the naturalness of human life. Well, let me clarify that by saying the accidents of the natural human body. There's a limit to some things if they are NOT accidents. I think God likes it best when we can laugh at ourselves, though. Maybe He even gets a chuckle out of some of the things that could embarrass us. If we can laugh at ourselves, we have accepted they way we are. You know? When we laugh, God rejoices. He knows we're having a good time. He just knows....

He knit us together in our mothers' wombs. He created our inmost being. We are fearfully and wonderfully made...even with those embarrassing moments. We are made in His image. His eyes saw my unformed body and all the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be. (I especially like this one because every embarrassing moment we have He already knew about! :-D) 

So, don't think you can't have fun. Know that God looks down and nothing is hidden from Him even if you've been able to hide it from your friends...for now...just wait....and while you're waiting, laugh at yourself. Like the scripture above it's healing. Another Proverb confirms this: A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22). It changes your overall being. Oh how God has thought of everything...

Psalm 104:31- May the glory of the Lord endure for ever, may the Lord rejoice in His works.

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