Friday, April 17, 2009

Yielding to Humility

Luke 14:11 - For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.  

Humility is something we all struggle with.  We sometimes rush ahead of our circumstances believing we know the answers and assuming we will be successful in our own efforts.  This can be taken as an attitude of pride. Oh, oh.

The Disciple Peter knew all about pride.  He was admonished several times by the Lord.  Jesus knew Peter had leadership qualities but Peter liked doing things his own way.  Peter rebuked the Lord when Jesus told the disciples about His future death and resurrection.  At the Transfiguration Peter spoke out of place.  When Jesus wanted to wash Peter's feet, he objected.  Jesus told Peter he would deny Him and Peter adamantly said he would not.

Quite often it was Peter's miscalculated words that got him into trouble. Each time Peter was humbled by the Lord or God Himself, in front of others no less.  It doesn't always have to be our words, however.  We can move beyond God's will when we speak out of turn or step out of the will of God.  Can we remain silent or wait upon the Lord in humility when we are in a position where we are not so sure what to do?  Or will we be faced with being humbled?

Perhaps some situations in our life were brought about as a test to see how we will respond.  I'm sure we learn from them.  Nothing we do for ourselves and by our own strengths yield the fruit God would desire. It's not about us.  He wants us to be humble and yielded to His will so He can exalt us in his own time and thereby glorify Him in the process. Wait upon God's perfect timing.

In time Peter had learned this lesson and he passed this information on to others:

1Peter 5:6 - Humble yourselves therefore under the might hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.

Heavenly Father, reveal to me when an attitude of pride rises up within me.  Help me to step back and take a good look at every situation and determine when it is the right time to speak or the proper time to take a position of yielding.  Let me be humble right from the start rather than be humbled later.  Take me out of the way that Your will would be done. In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

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