1Peter 3:15 - But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear...
We did another study for yesterday's Sunday school class. We were to determine "What is faith?" Although I was not able to attend, I studied the word faith. The one big thing I noticed was that the root word for both truth and faith were the same! So...without the truth (Jesus Christ) there cannot be faith (in Jesus Christ). It got me to the next statement: without faith there cannot be hope.
In both the Old and New Testaments there are scriptures on hope. Both are defined as an expectation of something good, something eagerly awaited. In the New Testament it is a joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation. The Greek word is also translated as faith. These words are so connected. In the Old Testament one definition was cord, a word that didn't fit with the others...and yet it did! Cords join or fasten, connect. When we are in-Christ, we are connected, joined with Him. And then in the Old Testament it was trusting in the LORD God. In the New it was trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Having been cooped up after more foot surgery I watch news occasionally throughout the day. Fox News network interviewed William Petit, whose Connecticut family was brutally murdered. He and other family members were awaiting the sentencing of the man who was guilty of the crime. What pierced my heart, however, was his comment to a reporter about the candlelight vigil that was held over the weekend. It was being held to bring hope... The whole Petit story is devastating. These deaths were senseless and callous to say the least. Hearts are breaking. I can imagine that faith is being tested strongly during this time.
But the question I have is...where is their hope? I know they've had the support of their church as well as the entire community. I understand questioning, if they did, where God was when this happened and what was the purpose? These are no doubt questions we'd all have in an unexpected tragedy. I don't have the answers, although many have written explanations. You can search for yourself online.
I just know that this is exactly the time one should place their hope in God, despite the questions they might have. So, where is their hope? Are they hoping this man gets his just rewards or are they hoping that God will surround them with His love and comfort? Are they hoping God will strengthen them and guide them in their grief?
That takes me back to without the truth of who God is, we can't have faith. Without true faith in God we will not have hope. If we look to man (like the judge and jury) for the answers and/or for revenge we will never be healed of our sorrow and pain. Only Jesus can heal us. If we hold to God's Word and seek Him in our times of trouble, He will not fail to be there for us.
Maybe I seem callous myself thinking like this...it's not my intent. I've heard some amazing testimonies by others who have lost loved ones by meaningless acts of violence where they have come out and said they forgive these people. They forgave someone for murdering their child, for being raped, for their abduction... Why? Because that's what we are called to do. God will honor that...and bring strength and healing into our lives when we do. It definitely is harder to do, but I believe even if at first the words are difficult, if we continue to say them, the healing process begins. Speaking hateful words like "I'll never forgive them and I hope they rot in hell!" will only continue to cause us to hurt and make us bitter. We will never be free. There must be forgiveness.
God gives and He takes away. The number of our days is in His hands, despite what happens to us. It is God who judges. It is God who sentences for wrongs committed. This is God's way. Man may do these things on earth, but He does it from His Heavenly throne. There's quite a difference. He also can change the heart of the most hardened criminal if they truly do admit their crime, repent of it and ask Jesus to forgive them. We need to know this...and the truth of God's Word shows us this.
Remember the day Jesus died? He was one of three men being crucified. The two others were thieves. One was bitter and blasphemed Jesus. The other one rebuked the unrepentant man telling him they deserved to be there but Jesus did not. Then the repentant thief asked Jesus to remember him when He entered His kingdom. Jesus forgave him saying he would be with Him that day in Paradise. And what was His plea to His Father? "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Why? Because they did not know Him, the Truth that brings faith and hope.
Something to notice...Jesus saved at the last minute because that thief was truly sorry for what he had done and asked Jesus to save him. Although this was only a thief, had this man killed someone, He would have saved him also if he was heartfully sorry. He will forgive and save the most despicable person. It may not seem right in our eyes, but we are not privy to all of God's ways. What He knows best are hearts.
I was disappointed in my own father for not really being a father to me. He was distant when I was a child, an alcoholic the rest of the bulk of his life. I steered clear of him. I stuffed any love I had for him down. In my heart he was not worthy of my love. When he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's shortly after I received (knew) Christ my disappointment and anger with him vanished. I was able to say, "Father, forgive him for he knows not what he has done." That's what we are to do. I am free at last from the pain of unforgiveness.
Our hope should be in the Lord. Hope in ourselves or mankind is futile because we can be disappointed...right? Although we do not see spiritual hope, we can know it's there. It's harder to do because we cannot see it but when we determine to do so, we will recognize it's faithfulness when we least expect it. We will have peace and contentment. When we know without a doubt we have known the Truth and have the faith that comes from knowing that Truth, we then know our hope comes from Someone greater than the lights of candles and the prayers and thoughts of others. When we turn our lives over to Jesus and trust in Him we truly have hope.
Those who know Jesus and claim Him as their Redeemer, despite difficult times, will be reminded that this life on earth is for a time. If we are followers of Christ we are embedded in the palm of His hand. His thoughts toward us are only good. He wants us to understand this that we might join Him in the life that is most important. We need to know and have hope in that now.
In pure biblical terms our hope is Jesus Christ. If it is not in Him it is not hoping in God. If we can answer the question, "Where is your hope?" and we can say, "My hope is in the Lord" and mean it, we can have the assurance. If we have to think about it or the answer is: "My hope is in my job, the government, my church, my friends, my money, my family, my spouse..." then our hope is not in the Lord.
We all will go through tragedies in life. Some small, some devastating. Better to know now where your hope lies, where you will draw your strength and guidance in the days following. Hope in God. Hope in Jesus. His truth will set you free. Know the truth about forgiving and know the truth of where your hope is.
Ephesians 2:11-13 - Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh...that at that time you were without Christ,...strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
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