Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Grain, Stumps and Small Armies

Daniel 4:26 - And inasmuch as they gave the command to leave the stump and roots of the tree, your kingdom shall be assured to you, after you come to know that Heaven rules.

I had to check what God has to say about stumps! 

I was talking to a friend yesterday. We got into yet another discussion about the changes that have taken place in our church over the past few years and the direction we seem to be headed. I've shared before how our church has gone from 1,500 congregants to about 300. We've seen changes, felt pain, shaken our heads. We both agreed, of course, that God has control of the situation and although we live it day by day wondering where we're going, God sees the end result. All we need do is trust Him through all this and pray that His will be done. This takes patient and persistence.

What happens when a tree is cut down but the stump is allowed to remain? The roots grow stronger and little by little new shoots emerge and the tree comes back to life. We prune shrubs and cut back flowers in the fall for the same bring about stronger roots and more abundant foliage in the spring. This tree stump picture was what was on my friend's heart as she viewed the troubles our church has gone through. Perhaps first God needed to prune and then just plain had to cut back our church to get us nearly to the point of death. We are like that stump...we've been cut down...but our roots are getting stronger. 

It's like the scripture in John 12:24 telling us that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it cannot bear fruit. Perhaps our church had stopped bearing fruit. Like that grain of wheat, we have fallen, but we are in the next phase...regrowth that we might bear good fruit. Grain has taken root and shoots from the stump are beginning to emerge. God has some great examples of life coming out of death...even like Jesus.

Then there's also the story of Gideon's army. He had thousands of men enlisted in his army...but God...wanted to prove to the people and Gideon that it was HE who would win the battle by paring down the size and using only 300 men to defeat the enemy. Was that 300? Hmmmm, that number sounds strangely familiar! 

Then, isn't this a bit like what's happening in our country too? There finally was a change that took place, but not quite what we had been promised. However, our country may just have seen the woodsman with his axe taking down the tree. Although we are not out of the proverbial woods and there are no doubt some rough times ahead, we may be getting to the place (of humility) where we will be that stump in the ground, where the roots of our foundation will once again become strengthened and the new shoots will spring forth.

God will do that in all areas of life. Perhaps our church was going more in man's direction. It may have been God's desire to "pare us down to size" that we might realize our need for Him to regenerate us. He can use people and circumstances to bring us to a place of humility. It's been a humbling experience for those who remain in our well as those whose eyes have been opened in this nation. Humbling yet revitalizing as we know in our hearts God's plans will begin to take shape. 

In our church I believe I am part of a remnant...we are the roots that are growing stronger...and from that remnant will grow a people who desire a change, desire God's intervention and His will for us. In this country, there were people who sat silent too long--perhaps forming stronger roots?--and who now are beginning to emerge and sprout.

These three examples are for us to learn from, not only in our churches, but in our lives and in our government. I'm so thankful God has laid them out before us in His Word. God will be glorified in our new growth and the direction with our country if we look to Him. What we perceived as being a bad thing, a struggle, a time of wondering and questioning, God is seeing as a necessary thing. 

In our own lives we can experience a personal "cutting down." We get to a place where we feel we have fallen. We don't know which direction to go anymore. We can't cope with the things in our lives. We're unhappy, unsatisfied, feeling as though life is out of control. Many times that's when God will intervene. He allows us to stumble and fall so that He can pick us back up so we will see His hand being outstretched that we might grab onto it and be lifted up. We are humbled by our circumstances and we finally recognize a need for One greater to get us out of our mess.

Let's begin to look at all the troubles through the eyes of God. He sends us difficulties that we might be humbled. He allows us a time of chastening that we might be reacquainted with Him so our foundation will be strengthened. He is to be that Foundation. The Foundation for our individual lives, the Church and our government. Without God nothing can survive. When will we see this being woven into the fabric (as my friend said) of our lives. Our God brings good out of bad circumstances. Let's thank Him for these wake up calls in every aspect of our lives. Let's believe that He knows the perfect directions we are to take. Heaven rules.

Jeremiah 10:23 - I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his [own] steps.

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