Friday, November 5, 2010


Isaiah 45:3 - I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

I've mentioned before that we do not choose God, but He chooses us. He summons us! What an honor. He chooses us that He might open our eyes to the corrupt things of the world. I think about this past week and midterm elections. It is completely befuddling to know some "just don't get it." What some of us see as completely off the wall, upside down, whatever you want to call it, others see as how it should be. They are missing something. I was missing some things years ago.

We are missing these things because we do not have the knowledge of God and His wisdom and truth. He calls us all to allow Him to reveal Himself and these things to us. It's our choice. When we are called, if we respond, He will reveal some of the mysterious treasures. It's then that our eyes are opened. My eyes have been opened. Sure, some of the truths are hard, some of the things we have always done need to be reconsidered. 

The fact is, He does summon us. I'm certain He keeps summoning, hoping one day we will respond. He wants us to be rich in the spiritual things, not poor in the things of the world. One brings life, one brings death. Choose life and the great treasures or death and lose everything. Do we say we know the Lord but follow our own paths? Or do we know the Lord and seek Him and listen and learn from Him? It's a personal choice. 

We are all in darkness until we truly receive Jesus. He invites us to partake of these treasures. We will be allowed to know that He IS our God. We will see things, know things, experience things we could never have imagined. He invites all to know Him.

We are given a taste of God's wisdom and knowledge. We see things through His eyes. We experience a different, more satisfying, more content, more peaceful life. Isaiah 64:4 - Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. 

Matthew 6 tells us we are to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and a myriad of things will be given to us: no need to worry about our lives; we will be sustained through the power of God; He knows what we are in need of; He knows we need food and clothing. If we put first our trust in Jesus, these will come to us. How can He do that? He's God. While Israel was wandering for 40 years in the desert, their clothing and sandals did not wear out. How? Their food and water was always supplied to them. How? Through God's power. Why? To keep on building their faith in Him, to show them He was God. 

Imagine the possible future for us: do we want to trust in our own wisdom and riches or believe that God will sustain us? It takes a lot of faith and perhaps we will be put in this position of believing He IS our God. He will show His faithfulness. We will be strengthened in ways we cannot imagine.

We just need to tap into that faith. Jesus will supply all we need just by our trust in Him. He is the light of the world. Be in the light as He is in the light. There are treasures we cannot see until we know Christ. Mysteries will be revealed. There's a whole new glorious world out there when we allow ourselves to be brought into His light. 

1Timothy 6:17 - Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 

1 comment:

  1. I heard on Glenn Beck today, "As long as we keep our faith in Him, God will always protect our soul." So good to know that He will supply our needs (which may be different than what we think they are) and always our soul!
