Psalm 119:1-2 - Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart!
Tomorrow is a big day...midterm elections. I was not going to write this but as I prayed for our country this morning I could not help but share some of the thoughts that came to me.
We must rule this country in truth and justice. This is what God would have us do. He stands by His Word. Psalm 119 speaks volumes about hanging on to the truth of His commandments. He desires justice and truth in our leaders. He only wants what is best for us...because He loves us. If we do not return this love, He will bring His justice upon us.
Seeking and obeying His Word brings goodness, peace, prosperity, understanding His wisdom. Who wouldn't want these? Who wouldn't want to know that God is for us and not against us? Who wouldn't want to know that His hand is upon us to protect us and guide us through the truth of His Word? Well, there are some who could care less...
It would be nice to see those in office standing by His Word and commandments. That they would stand by His moral judgments, seek Him for guidance, uphold what is right and true and not be found as fools but as wise men and women. That God's wisdom would become the mandate of the leaders.
People, this is not just a political election. It's a spiritual one. I know that may be hard to digest. God is so fully aware of what is taking place. His hand is in the trials as well as the good. Like Israel, whom God allowed to wandered for forty years in the wilderness, it was part of His plan to get them to return to Him, the One who knew best what they needed, He wants us to return to Him. As long as they whined, complained, chose to not trust in Him, did wrong, He left them to their own devices. History repeats itself...could this be why we are seeing struggles today? We can look at the things happening in this world as just worldly events brought upon by men. But believe what I say...God's hand is in this. What we see happening is more spiritual than we can imagine. That comes from knowing God's Word, having discernment through the power of God.
Righteousness and truth are not standards today. The world, in general, believes the lies, stands for "what's in it for me?" attitudes. If we do not see a positive change in this country, it also might be God's plan. We have gone too far in the wrong direction, like Israel, and His hand might be removed for a time, that we are heading into (or are already there) a time of trouble or sorrows as suggested in the Bible: Mark 13:8 - For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.
If we are truly in the beginning of these sorrows...(if that sounds too extreme, just put it on the back burner of your mind for awhile)...we need to be looking up and not at the circumstances. Those who choose to look up will take God for His word, will trust in His power and guidance, will be strengthened in the time of trouble.
Those who do not look to God still have a chance and maybe that's why these troubles occur. Verse 21 of Psalm 119 tells us: You rebuke the proud--the cursed, who stray from Your commandments. All people will go through this, but He will protect and give strength to those who truly know Him.
If we seek God's guidance and wisdom, He honors that. But let's not be surprised if as a nation things don't get better. Things might look hopeful for a time and it might continue if we get men and women in higher places of leadership whose principles meet with His approval. There is not one party that is perfect, but which party's principles are morally better? Which party stands for the people and their rights and not for their own gain? Sadly, when any mention of God is brought to the forefront, these candidates are viewed as too "out there" and are to be avoided at all cost.
I believe this country's eyes are being opened. I have felt for some time that God is stirring things up. It's an exciting time...seeing God's hand at work. Yet, for most it may not be viewed as a spiritual change. I've heard both Glenn Beck and some Christian pastors suggest that we might be in for a spiritual awakening. I sure hope so. God wants all to know Him, to seek Him, to be guided by Him, to know the truth of His Word. Perhaps this is why the uproar in this country, in its leadership. God's Word is truth. Don't deny it.
Psalm 119:4-6 - You have commanded us to keep Your precepts diligently. Oh, that my (our) ways were directed to keep Your statutes! Then I (we) would not be ashamed, when I (we) look into all Your commandments.
Standards ... not rules, but standards. That is what God has for us and we choose to obey ... or not!
ReplyDeleteLove your fish tank! I have for years said I'm a salmon ... always swimming the other way! What better way to swim!!!