Matthew 20:13-14 - But he answered one of them and said, "Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you."
This is part of a parable about a landowner who asked men to work for him. Some began early in the morning and put in a whole day's worth of work. They were told they would receive a denarius for this work. There were others asked later in the day. They, too, were told they would be given a denarius. When it came time to give the men their wages all received the same amount. Is that fair? Those who had labored all day didn't think so. I'm sure those who had only worked a short while were satisfied.
This is how I'm perceiving this: the landowner is God, the workers are those who chose to heed His call to work for Him and the denarius is the gift of salvation.
God calls us to salvation at the precise time He chooses. He knows when it will be the best time for us. He's been grooming us, as it were; working behind the scenes as I've mentioned. He's been laying the foundation. However He chooses to do it and when is His perfect timing.
God plays no favorites in His plan of salvation. No one religion is singled out. No particular type of person is chosen. Salvation is for anyone who wishes to receive it. He looks to all with open arms. Some will not recognize it and some will not submit to His authority. He has given us freedom to choose even though He desires all.
We are doing a Bible study at church about Connecting with God's Master Plan for Your Life by Gloria Copeland. I read this one day in regard to seeking God: It's not the same for everyone. It happens at different times and seasons of life. For many, it seems not to happen at all. But there should come a time in everyone's life where they are no longer content to just wander here and there, hoping circumstances lead them in the right direction. When this happens in your life, you'll not be satisfied with just getting up every morning, going about your business and then falling into bed every night--day after day.
You will want to start taking definite steps toward fulfilling your destiny and living according to God's master plan. When someone has at last found it in his heart to accept God's gift, He is willing to give it. All are equal in His eyes. Sadly, some just never make this choice.
My salvation experience is nothing in comparison to the turnaround of say a murderer. Yes, a murderer, despite his crime, can be forgiven, even in the midst of life in prison or a walk down death row. If his (her) heart has truly repented of the crime God will forgive. He knows their heart. Even though the experiences are different for everyone they are equal in God's eyes. Like the denarius in the parable, our wage or God's gift to us, it is the same. One gift for all.
Verse 12 is the complaint: These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day. Whether I've accepted Jesus as a child or an adult or even on my deathbed, God will not look any differently at it. And we should be thankful for this.
I can't imagine some thinking it not fair but isn't it a good thing to know that even though you might have lived a longer life in some sort of discomfort knowing someone who chose not to follow your lead, God will still accept them for the most important time--eternal life? I've heard before that although we might not see someone come to salvation in our lifetime it doesn't mean it won't happen. Our prayers are important, but more importantly is our trust in God for the salvation of others.
Praise Him for any time one might have as His child...
Matthew 20:14-15a - Take what is yours and go your way. I [God] wish to give to this last man the same as to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?
So, so true ... one gift for all ... no matter how fair or not ... and I am so grateful for that.