I've spoken about sacrifices not only in our own lives when we allow Jesus access to it, but about blood and the significance of it in God's eyes. Now we come to life being in the blood. We cannot live without blood; we cannot have eternal life without the blood of Jesus.
When we receive Christ, we are sealed in His blood of sacrifice. Just as animal sacrifices were important in the Old Testament, the New Testament shows us how one more sacrifice was made to put an end to all the others...through Jesus Christ on the cross.
When we receive Christ, His blood mingles with our spiritually and we in essence become a new person. His blood has covered our sins like the first animal sacrifice made by God with Adam and Eve...done to make clothing to cover their nakedness, their sin.
So all throughout the years, God required these blood sacrifices. And now it's all about Christ and His blood. It's all about our sins being covered by His blood and how we can attain eternal life through Christ when we receive Him. It is His blood that continually purifies us when we confess our sins. So, that first acceptance of Jesus is important for the beginning process of purification. 1John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Physically we need blood to survive but because we are still limited human beings, we will still die physically; spiritually we need Jesus' shed blood to have eternal life. It's that simple.
This is what a blood covenant with God is all about: It's a covenant between God and man. It can never ever be broken. It is borne out of love. The first covenant was made with God and Adam...the sacrificing of the animals for their clothing. And sacrifices continued right through to Jesus.
A covenant between God and man is for our protection, provision and to ensure a deep friendship. The Hebrew meaning of the word covenant is "pledge...between men or God and man" and comes from a root word meaning "to eat" (which requires cutting). So, that's where the animal/blood sacrifice comes in. A blood covenant goes farther than any manmade agreement. Man can break covenant. God cannot. When we come into covenant with God through Jesus, and His blood on the cross, our blood spiritually mingles and we are in essence one new person.. We become one in Christ. It's all about a relationship with Christ.
Take a look at this. We see the Trinity in this covenant: God the Father, the covenant-maker (His word to us), God the Son, the blood of the covenant--sacrifice--(His work for us), and God the Spirit, the sealing element of the covenant (His work in us).
From the beginning of time God has had this plan...first He wanted communion (relationship) with Adam. When Adam failed to keep his end of the bargain, God had already had another plan, that of the sacrifice of His own Son so that all of mankind could be reconciled to that very first communion He had with man. The blood tie that binds is Christ.
Let your mind, heart and soul be illuminated by these truths. God does not lie. He is here for all mankind. He seeks a covenant relationship through Jesus Christ. Ask and receive.
1John 1:7 - But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
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