Jesus only speaks the truth. He cannot lie. So why doe some churches teach what seems to be a false doctrine? If Jesus says thus and so, how can it be anything but that?
Years ago I believed so differently than today. I believed what my church taught me as I grew up. Assuming they were right, as most would do, I just went along with it, if I even cared. I did not check a Bible to see what was being taught was accurate.
There was a time when I would steer clear of people handing out Gospel tracts on Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Milwaukee where I worked. There was also this old car painted from top to bottom and front to back with scriptures. He would blare announcements telling people to "Repent!" My thoughts back then were, "How dare he push his views on me and tell me what I need to do? I'm not any worse than the next person. Society changes; live with it. What's wrong with these people?"
Even a coworker and now a long-time best friend who'd given her life to Christ was talking at the lunch table about the Bible studies she was going to among other things. One day I guess I couldn't take it anymore and said with yet another curled lip, "You told us that already." We laugh about that now because we both can look back and see how God was working in both our lives at that time. He wanted her to speak; He knew someone was going to hear...and guess who that was?
Not long after that I had an encounter with Christ. Oh, how we change when we've met Him! How our thoughts change.
Look again at what Jesus Christ says, not Laurie Dawson:
- unless one is born again
- unless one is born of water and the Spirit
- You must be born again
Again = once more, anew. That's what Webster says. But, like I do occasionally, I check the meaning in a Bible concordance. So often they give us an even bigger meaning of one word. Are you ready? Wow! This particular meaning for the Greek words again above are: from above, from a higher place; of things which come from heaven or God. That word traces back to a word meaning: up, upwards, above, on high. Then that word takes us to the root word which means: instead of, in place of. This is place of our physical birth...
I didn't make up these statements. They're right there in the God-inspired, inerrant Word of God. What's He telling us? There is a process we must go through to enter the kingdom of God. We must be born again. How can you argue that? It's Jesus speaking. He speaks these same words today. It's a spiritual rebirth. It happens when one accepts Christ.
This is how it is for me and other believers, those who have received Christ: John 3:11 - Most assuredly, I say to you, we speak what we know and testify what we have seen, and you do not receive our witness. I speak what I know because it has happened to me. I can explain it till I'm blue in the face but unless it has happened to another, it won't be comprehended. It's like a light has gone on...only God can do this. It isn't something that can be conjured up on your own. The Spirit of God enlightens. It's revelation knowledge. I am, however, to at least do like my friend did and speak and let people think what they may. It's in God's hands after that.
Being born of water is our natural, physical birth. But it's the spiritual birth that is the most important. This comes through revelation knowledge. I didn't understand years ago because my heart, mind and spirit didn't comprehend; my eyes were blinded, my knowledge blocked. But one day--and this is so truly a miracle, a God moment--my eyes were opened and my spirit knew and responded when I least expected it...and the rest is history.
Until that moment comes it's not always possible to believe--and we go on believing false doctrine.
Being born again is the start of a new life in Christ. The revelation knowledge begins to shed light on things we couldn't see before. It's like starting all over and this time everything looks different, you feel different. Your spirit is alive and free...because the Spirit of God has entered in.
This is how it is for me and other believers, those who have received Christ: John 3:11 - Most assuredly, I say to you, we speak what we know and testify what we have seen, and you do not receive our witness. I speak what I know because it has happened to me. I can explain it till I'm blue in the face but unless it has happened to another, it won't be comprehended. It's like a light has gone on...only God can do this. It isn't something that can be conjured up on your own. The Spirit of God enlightens. It's revelation knowledge. I am, however, to at least do like my friend did and speak and let people think what they may. It's in God's hands after that.
What's the saying, "Don't knock it till you've tried it?" Not exactly biblical. The Spirit of God is working to turn the hearts of men. Don't resist. It's a wonderful transformation. God's Spirit is out and about looking for the next heart to transform, unlike what 1Peter5:8 tells us: ...Your adversary the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. You may not realize it now, but should the day come when you hear God's voice and respond, you will look back and know where He was working. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
John 3:8 - The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.
Love this! His truth is so simple ... once we've tried it!