Jesus was out and about beginning to gather His disciples. He already knew who they were! He even knew He would choose Judas, the one who would betray Him. One of them, however, was Nathanael. When Nathanael was first told by Philip, who had already joined the ranks of those who believed they'd found the One who was prophesied about, all he could say was "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Nathanael was skeptical.
But when Jesus saw Philip and Nathanael approaching Jesus was about to bring skepticism to an end when He first made this comment, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!" (verse 47) Nathanael's response is above. "How do you know me?"
Jesus showed Him. Nathanael overcame his doubt in an instant. How did he with just those words? What power were in those words? I have an answer: Jesus is the Son of God; all knowing.
What did Jesus do? It is believed He revealed to Nathanael a specific time when he had been praying (under that fig tree) about the coming Messiah. Because Jesus humbly came from the unassuming town of Nazareth, however, he could not believe anything great could come out of there, especially not someone who claimed to be their great Messiah. How He can change our minds in an instant--by knowing us, knowing what we are in need of. By showing us His power in our lives at the right moment. It's then we believe.
It must have been wonderful to have been living in those days when they could see Jesus' face, hear His voice, walk with Him and learn from Him, eat with Him...see the miracles unfold. But, wait, we can do that today! When we are in relationship with Jesus we may not actually see His face, but we can hear His voice, know that He does walk with us and that He still teaches. We can have communion with Him and even experience the miracle of His saving grace for others! We have Jesus, the Word, in book form and in Spirit. He is as alive today as He was back then. It just takes that relationship.....
Because we have all the past experiences as recorded in the Word, the eye-witness testimonies of so many great people, we can believe. It still takes strength now, maybe even more, to believe in a Person we cannot see. He still does exist in this world today. It's that relationship that allows us to do this, that urges us on, that gives us a hope we can truly count on and promises we can hold in our hearts.
When Nathanael at last believed he was told he would see greater things than what Jesus had just shown him in those few words...verse 50 shows us that: Jesus answered and said to him, "Because I said to you, "I saw you under the fig tree,' do you believe? You will see greater things than these."
He knows me. He knows all of us. He knows how to get us to a place of humility and acceptance that we need Him, not all the other things the world has to offer. Yes, when we receive Him we are blessed. I sometimes wonder though if it's that our vision has changed and we can be blessed in different ways, not always in things but just the peace and contentment through Him.
Yes, He knows me. He knows my concerns, my desires. He knows what I'm capable of. He can come to us as He did to Nathanael and point out something to show us He knows us. He did that to the Samaritan woman at the well, too. Don't think He can't with us. Ask Him, with a heart that's true, to do that with you.
In Christ we receive the power of the Holy Spirit. I don't know what "greater things" are in my future to do. I think it doesn't need to be great in the sense that we might think. It can be in anything we do that glorifies God. I think the number one great thing He has done is saved me. Now what will I do to return that favor? What great thing is in store for me? He knows......
John 14:12-14 - I tell you the truth. The person that believes in me will do the same things I have done. Yes! He will do even greater things than I have done. Why? Because I am going to the Father. And if you ask for anything in my name, I will do it for you. Then the Father's glory will be shown through the Son. If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.
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