Wednesday, March 27, 2013

But the LORD...

Deuteronomy 3:26-27 - "But the LORD was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me. So the LORD said to me: "Enough of that! Speak no more to Me of this matter. Go up to the top of Pisgah, and lift your eyes toward the west, the north, the south, and the east; behold it with your eyes, for you shall not cross over this Jordan

Moses was a godly man; however, when it came time for the people of Israel to cross over the Jordan river to possess the promised land God had promised them, Moses was not allowed to go. He had angered the LORD...because the people angered him.

Forty years and one whole generation of Israel who had been told they would enter into their promised land had come and gone. They had grown weary of their travels, were disobedient to the God who was providing all their needs daily. They were thirsty and complained to Moses about this God. In his anger over their complaint Moses took it to God and bitterly complained about them. God said to speak to a rock and water would be theirs to soothe their grumbling yet again.

Once before these grumblers complained about water and God ordered Moses to strike a rock with his staff. Water poured out. This time, in his anger, Moses again struck this rock. Water did come, but at a price. Moses was disobedient...he needed only to speak to the rock. He had disobeyed God.

Sounds like a menial thing, right? But when God wants you to do something, you do it His way. His was is the right way. I was talking with a friend the other morning about how we sometimes feel we are not quite always right with God. Feel is the word. We can let our feelings get in the way. God doesn't call us to do something big every day. We hear His voice often as we read His Word, think about Him, meditate on His Word. But He doesn't always call us to just get out and do some huge thing every day. It's all the little things we do each day. I knew I heard from God when He told me to leave my church. That was a huge thing! I didn't want to! I didn't understand why until I started questioning Him. Why, why, why?? You will see this happen, and get this and know this...were the answers that came in time. All I could do is obey...and some day I know those things will come about.

But for Moses' indiscretion, however, he was not allowed into the Promised Land. Seems like a crushing blow. Although disheartened, Moses knew he had done wrong...and he went on to plead with the people, See what the LORD has done to me. Pay attention. This is as an example to you. You wandered 40 years in the desert because of your disobedience. Many of your people died. If you want to cross over to the land He has promised you, you must be obedient, that you might live. I wrote about this yesterday. Deuteronomy 4:1 - Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you to observe, that you may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers is giving you.  

There is a reason we have a Bible, why God chose to inspire the men who wrote it...that we might know Him, His power, His commandments, His Way to eternal life, His right to determine what must be done to receive this eternal life. For Israel it was direct obedience to God who was with them, yet unseen. For us it is through Jesus Christ, who can be with us always, yet unseen, if we receive Him into our lives and obey what He tells us, which is the very heart of God, the very things He hears His Father tell Him. Jesus is God also and the Holy Spirit, once we have received Christ, will teach us things because He also is God. Oh, I love the mysteries....

When you seek the Lord and receive Him, you will see all He has done for you and what He will do as a result of your obedience. It is imperative to never forget where you have come from...what He has done to make positive changes in your keep His commandments, to know them and never forget them.

Deuteronomy 4:3-4, 9 - Your eyes have seen what the LORD did at Baal Peor; for the LORD your God has destroyed from among you all the men who followed Baal of Peor. But you who held fast to the LORD your God are alive today, every one of you. Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren...

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