Sunday, September 30, 2012


There's an account in the New Testament. It's a day where I can just picture Jesus ambling along a dusty road with His disciples. He's teaching them. He's telling them one parable after another hoping they will some day remember all He's taught them and continue, not only to live as He has told them, but to share this information for such a time when He is no longer with them.

This is all found in Matthew 18. He teaches, they listen, they question. Some of it may make sense, some may not. In time, however, they will understand.

Peter speaks up. He has a question about forgiveness. "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" (Matthew 18:21) I wondered where he got the up to seven I did a little research. Hah, why I didn't catch it since it was part of a thought process I'd had earlier in the day, I don't know! It's all about those biblical numbers and their number of perfection or the six days of creation and on the seventh God rested saying it was all good. So Peter would have understood the meaning of the number when he was thinking seven times, being perfection would suffice and it would be complete.

But Jesus surprised Him by saying, No, you must forgive 70 times 7. (Matthew 18:22)  Wow.

All that to say this: Although I knew the answer, this was the reminder I was given in my spirit when I asked, "Oh, Lord, how many times do I need to pray for the eyes of this world to be opened to see? How often do I pray that the truth will be known and understood?" The answer was 70 times 7. But I realized it to mean that we continue until we see results of the prayer. We are not to give up. We are to be relentless. 

Relentless prayers may not always bring about the desired results, we must understand, but it is our persistence that God desires. It's almost like it's more about our obedience than the subject of the prayer, although He is interested in both.

Relentless in our asking for forgiveness of our daily sins. Relentless in asking for God to purify our hearts and bring transformation to our lives. Relentless to see His will done in the world. Relentless regarding eyes opened, hearts softened, ears unstopped and souls saved. Relentless in our reminding God (not that He needs reminding) of specific promises for us, in addition to all the other promises He gives us as His children. Relentless in our study of His Word.

Relentless. Even if we think all we do is request the same things, providing they are not just senseless, useless prayers for our own trivial, self-centered needs (although He's interested in all areas of our lives, we needn't ask to win the lottery...He already knows what we get the point). God wants to hear from us. He loves to hear His children speak. He loves to know we are communicating with Him. He loves to know we need Him.

Be relentless. Let the prayers go beyond 70 times 7 if need be. It's what we must do. He is relentless in His pursuit of us. Let us relentlessly pursue Him...through prayer and worship. 

Forgiveness 70 times 7 times is important. Like with anything else with the Lord, being relentless in prayer too has its rewards.

God does not relent in His love for us, as many scriptures attest. He purposes and His will is done. Although we sin if we turn from our evil ways He will relent from disaster He has brought.

1Peter 3:12 - For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers...

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