Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Type of Revival

Psalm 71:20 - You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the earth. 

Our Women's Ministries is doing the study of Esther again on Tuesday mornings. I loved it the first time so I expect it will be just as good this time. As I was reviewing my workbook I saw something I had written in a margin. 

This is what I wrote; it could be a quote by Beth Moore, the writer of the teaching, I'm not sure: When you experience God's distance, remember His promises. Call them out. Praise Him. Worship Him. Then a huge revival of the Spirit will come. 

It could also be seen as, then a huge revival of the spirit will come. 

There is something to be said about our worshiping and praising God...especially in the difficult times when one doesn't sense God's presence. If one is a child of God, He is always there. He tells us He will never leave us or forsake us. Sometimes He is quiet that we might dig deep into our trust and faith and when we come through whatever it is, we can see where He has been guiding us, unseen, all along. 

And we know He has been there! We can see where even though we have felt alone in our illness or struggle, He was there all along to hold us up, even at times when our human frailty got the better of us and praise was not part of our vocabulary.

But as the quote above says...if we praise God in the midst of whatever, a revival of the spirit, our spirit one could believe, takes place. Oh, corporately if a whole congregation, or even a close knit group of prayer warriors, worships and exalts the name of God, the Spirit of God will descend to let us know He has heard us! September 16 blog.

Esther had no idea what great things God was going to use her for. She was in the midst of the worst time of her life with the fact that she was being asked to possibly give her life to save her people, the Jews.  But GodO saw her through and used her in the midst. When we have come through something that brings sorrow or agony or even a touch of discomfort, when we come through we can have a revival is spirit. It's joy to our soul. 

I've not been feeling well for several days and have been on vacation. The two don't mix but you make the most of it. I've prayed for relief, although sometimes I think it was more like words of frustration more than prayer. Last night after all the hectic travel and activity was done, I felt like I'd hit a wall. I was convinced I'd be heading for the urgent care facility in Gold Canyon. But then I miraculously slept the night without any disturbance and awoke feeling much better than I had in days. Better but not 100%.

God got me through even though it was not only frustrating but sometimes uncomfortable. Thanks are given to a concerned husband and understanding friends. There was a high five with Jim this morning followed by a hug. That's how I then responded to God. A high five to the sky and a imaginary hug with thanksgiving in my heart for even the smallest relief.

Our God never gives us more than we can handle, and although this wasn't the worst thing in the world, it was enough to take the wind out of my sails for awhile. The psalm above shows how in the deepest despair or the slightest of discomforts He stands along side us. He cares about every aspect of our lives. Now comes a time of rest and hopefully recuperation.

God spoke to my spirit this morning: I have been with you. I have seen you through and I will continue to be by your side. Trust Me. I WILL see you through. Keep praising and trusting.

Luke 12:6-7 - Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

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