Genesis 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you...
My thoughts are on Israel this morning. If only people would understand the importance of this small country. If only they would take the time to learn about her importance. If only they would recognize that our Christian roots originated there (which may be part of the problem for those who hate Christians and Jews). If only they would realize that not only was Jesus born there, but He will return there in what appears to be the not-so-distant future.
A lot of our troubles come from a jealousy which arose back in Abraham's day between his two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael became the middle eastern people group. Isaac was the only son God swore Abraham and Sarah would conceive, the son who was promised to secure the fact that Abraham would be the father of many nations. Ultimately Abraham could not just abandon Ishmael and asked God to bless him as well. So we have two great people groups: Jews/Christians and Muslims. Oil and water.
I am also reminded how God doesn't need to use big things to bring about His plans. He uses the ordinary. He uses the lowly. He used David, a youth supposedly small in stature to kill a giant. He used Gideon's army which He pared down to 300 to destroy an army of 135,000. His own disciples were not all great men but common fishermen or dreaded tax collectors, ordinary men. Jesus hung out with sinners, not saints! He even used women of various standings, including a harlot...and one of His converted followers was purportedly once a prostitute.
You see, as you'll probably get tired of hearing me's all about God.
So, in the last days before Christ returns, Israel is going to be under siege by the countries around her. The Bible tells us they are comprised of middle eastern countries and it must happen to fulfill what is written. Psalm 83 gives us a clue as to what happens: For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; and those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, and consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” Who said, “Let us take for ourselves the pastures of God for a possession.” (Psalm 83:2-4,12) Sounds a bit like what we hear on the news today, hey?
Israel, the Jews, and Christians are in for a rough time. God has allowed this nation to be small and despised so that His glory will be seen! No one will completely annihilate this little country, this people group, because they are supernaturally safe in God's hands. Yes, lives will have to be spared. But God...will seek and save those He will. Israel, however, whether one likes it or not, will not fade to extinction. They are God's people. It is where Jesus WILL return some day. And anyone who turns their back on them, who wishes them extinct, will pay the penalty. So it behooves us as a nation to stand behind Israel. If only we would get this.
Why? Deuteronomy 7:6 gives us the answer: “For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth."
Remember, Israel was freed from Egypt's captivity, crossed over the Jordan River into a land God had promised would be their land. That is today's Israel. Dimensions are shown in the Word. If God promised it, He will not allow it to be taken away. God's people are Jewish so He will not abandon them. It might only look like destruction will come, but looks can be deceiving, as in the case of David and Gideon and certainly other biblical accounts where the underdog came out on top. If we are serious followers of Jesus, we will not be harmed either. Even unto death we are saved.
Again, this is all about God...His will, His strength, His guidance, His plan. In the end all will see what has transpired, all will finally understand.
God is greater than any man. His power far surpasses man's. His wisdom, His's all good. His will WILL be done. No person going against this small nation will survive unless they repent of their foolishness.
God has told us that He will curse those who curse Israel. Let that sink in. If we as a country are not standing behind Israel, what does that say? I believe that those in a cursed nation who continue support Israel will reap the same consequences. Just because we are His children doesn't take us out of trouble. It is our faith and trust in Him that we must have in difficult times. God has told us if we are part of His people through adoption, we will be watched over...even if it means being martyred. The death will bring a glorious future for those who stand firm in God's will.
If only people would get this. If only they wouldn't turn up their noses at the hard truth. Israel's enemy is gaining control in the world and is planted even within our land. We cannot keep our heads in the sand. We must be wary. We must realize that satan disguises himself and speaks lies to deceive. If we do not get this, our heads are buried deep in the sand and one day we will be quite surprised.Israel will NOT be consumed. The people will NOT become extinct. God's will WILL be done. It is our thinking that must change. It is our belief that God will bring about the last days as He has shown us.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers.. (So) do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. (2Timothy 4:3, Romans 13:11)
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