Psalm 3 - Our Shield
Psalm 3:8 - Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah
We all go through times of trials and testing. It's part of life.
I think of Job who lost all he had. He did not stop trusting in the Lord. I think about those in our own church who have prayer needs that seem to have gone unanswered and it's easy to wonder, God, why? And yet these people's lives, despite difficult situations and maybe even frustration, continue. They still hold fast, even if with wonder at how God will help them. Provision may not be exactly as they wish, but it is there for them, by God's hand. I think of my own seemingly small troubles and think either I am not struggling like others or I view my struggles differently...through the peace of God.
On the other hand, we have seen about four miraculous healings occur with members of our church over the past year. Prayers for these people were endless. And God was faithful. Why He chooses some and not others or all is only something He understands. He has reasons. We continue to trust in Him.
In Psalm 3 David was calling out to God for his life because of those who were against him as king, including his own ungrateful son, Absalom. Like Job he never let his trust and faith in God end. Instead, David continues to proclaim his God as a shield (he was not defeated). He realizes God hears his cries and he persists in praising Him for the peace and rest in these times of turmoil, for His provision, for His protection.
If we allow ourselves to praise Him in our times of stress, unsurety, anxiety, He will do the same for us. We will have that perfect peace knowing that no matter what happens, whether we are cut down by our enemy, destroyed by disease, in financial straits, or whatever is our turmoil, we can know where our strength and peace can come from.
David knew and trusted the Lord. He calls us all to do the same. He will hear the cries of our hearts, remind us of His promises, give us a peace that is indescribable. But these only come when we are focused on Him. We must first give up our own ideas of doing in our own strength and rely on God's. That only comes when we have received Him as our true Savior and know what He desires for us.
He came to save the world. We need to go to Him to be saved. He doesn't force us. It's our choice. Our troubles will not miraculously disappear but we will know where all hope lies. We will receive His blessings in this act of salvation. Take hold of it. Seek the Lord and He will lift up your head and provide the wherewithal to live your days in His perfect peace. Hard to explain, hard to comprehend, but it happens.
Psalm 3:3 - But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head.
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