Psalm 2:3-4 - The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.”
I'm going through the Psalms. I want to try to convey the messages God speaks to us through some of them. Although written thousands of years ago, they are just as relevant today. You might be pleased to note, these will sometimes be shorter blogs!
When you read the first part of this psalm you see it is rulers and kings of the earth who are going against the LORD and His anointed. The word Their which is capitalized is showing this is written about God and Jesus, although Jesus wasn't on the scene yet. These kings were attempting to turn people away from God, destroy Him, remove what might remind the people of Him. It's a bit like our removing prayer and the mention of Jesus' name from public we do not offend others' religious beliefs.
However, God is still in control, even after all these years. He laughs at those who try to go against Him. He will always be, no matter how hard people try to expunge His existence. There will be a future punishment for those who chide Him, as the rest of the psalm continues.
David uttered a prophetic word about Jesus when he wrote that the LORD has said to Him, "You are my Son." And it will be through Him that one day all possessions and nations will be His, despite what others attempt to do or claim. Jesus will reign over all the earth one day.
The psalmist, David, instructs the kings of the world to be wise and fear Him, with a reverent fear, and rejoice in Him instead of rejecting Him lest they fall into His hands of judgment. He tells us we will be blessed if we put our trust in the Lord (rather than man).
It would be as wise for us to do the same. Not only for nations but for individuals. Do not reject the Lord. Do not say you know of Jesus and that's enough. Know Him and follow in His ways. Listen as He writes. Listen as He speaks to hearts of His love...and His judgment. Listen as He brings personal promises to your spirit. KNOW Him ever so personally. You will be blessed. He wishes to bless you with the inheritance He has for you.
Psalm 2:7-8 - “I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession."
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