Thursday, June 9, 2011

Truth and Integrity

Psalm 12:6-7 - The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. You shall keep them, O LORD, You shall preserve them from this generation forever. 

There is only one Way, one Truth and one Life. That is Jesus Christ.

It is His name that stands for real truth and integrity. God cannot lie. He is not the author of confusion. He is the Light in a dark world. He is our only way to salvation. He is our Healer, Provider, Helper. He is always here. He offers what no man nor object can. He is the Door, our Shepherd, Lord and soon coming King. 

He is the Word. This Word existed before time began. He has no beginning and no end. By His Word the world was created. By His Word the world as we know it will end. His Word will stand the test of time. His Word shall be preserved from generation to generation. His Word is truth. His Word will not fail. His Word cannot be corrupted by man. 

When you know Him you will know the Truth. You will understand His integrity, His truth. You will be set free from world views and the captivity of them. He never changes. He has never changed. He will never change. His Word is holiness, justness and righteousness. 

The Name above all names. All knees will bow before Him someday. ALL. His Name is to be exalted above all other names. He is to be glorified. He is the Highly Exalted One. 

His voice is heard in the thunder. It is He who lights up the sky in a thunderstorm. His refreshing comes with the rain. His purification comes in the heat of life's experiences...through the fires of life.

He is the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1). When I wrote these I wondered why He was called these flowers. The lily has one stem that rises up out of two leaves, being the main focus, with fragrant white flowers. Ephesians 5:2 has this description: a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. He is to be lifted up. He was lifted up on the cross for us.

As for the Rose of Sharon, it's a bit more complicated. I will stick to this one point: Sharon was a plain in Israel which had many beautiful flowers. The Rose of Sharon was considered the most beautiful of all flowers. Jesus, despite having comely features, is considered the most beautiful to those who know Him. 

He is love. He is salvation, our Redeemer. His stripes have healed us. His death has created life. For God so loved the world...that He gave...

He is Sovereign, Maker of all things, Tender of all things. By His Word He gives and He takes. He raises up and He lowers. He saves and, sadly, He destroys. All because of His holy name. 

He knit each of us together in our mother's wombs. He gave us life. We are made in His image. We were created for His pleasure. He is the giver of all things. 

He is the Bright Morning Star. He is the Light of the world. He is the Light in the darkness. He offers us every opportunity to see Him, change and consider Him. 

Consider Him. 

John 14:6 - ..."I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 

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