Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
Hah! Talk about the power of the Holy Spirit! There was something I've been itching to purchase. I struggled with the idea day after day. I even took the time to do research and go to a store where I could buy this object of my desire.
But something kept me dragging my feet on this. As much as I would fuss in my mind about it, as much as I was determined...emphasis on I...I just couldn't do it. There IS a way which seems right...although this example may not lead to death, it could very well lead to unrest and especially disobedience to God.
Over and over I told myself I had a right to get this thing! BUT my husband said I didn't need it! That was a stab in my heart. Even friends said, "Oh, just go and get it!"
So one day I went to my chiropractor. He is a Christian and since this was my stop before going back to the store to retrieve this "thing" I had to have, I brought it up. The words that came out of my mouth in a way did not surprise me. I said this thing keeps rising up strongly within me and I know it's the Holy Spirit telling me no! This was not accusingly, but with a loving firmness.
Now the world would think, if you want it, get it. But let me tell you, when the Holy Spirit rises up like it did, it's definitely something you don't want to ignore.
There is this thing in God's word about submission. This submission is not like the world's idea of submission. It's a form of godly obedience. In this case it was being obedient to what my husband believes. Oh, I'm sure any woman reading this who does not understand this concept will bristle! However, this is something all women who call themselves followers of Christ are to do. I know that in the end peace will come of it...and most importantly an obedience to God. Usually the blessing is greater when we listen to the Spirit.
So, as it left the was as if my car was automatically going to head for that store despite everything. The urge was strong. In the back of my mind, however, I knew I wasn't to go. I resisted and won! I ended up somewhere else. The urge had subsided. Yes, today I still think about that need, but the peace that comes from not going against that pricking in my spirit is even better.
Again, to some women this may seem illogical. To some men, they might say, "Aha, see! You should listen to your husband." It's far more about being in God's will than being outside of it. It will produce much more abundant blessings in the long run, but it's your choice to make.
Although I shared a personal experience, this Proverb also is meant to be about our relationship with Christ. Many people think: "I don't need Jesus. I don't need tell me what's right and wrong, to make me feel convicted, to steal my valuable Sunday mornings...if this is part of being in God's will, I don't want it." That is the way that seems right. Without this relationship with the Lord, death is surely the way. Jesus only brings life. Live with the blessings of God and the freedom in Christ or dwell forever in unrest apart from God.
Galatians 6:8 - For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.
This woman is not bristling; this woman is saying, "Amen, sister."