John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
My peace can't be stolen...unless I allow it to be!
If there's anything at all I'm learning these days is that I am developing, and more often, maintaining my peace in the midst of stuff going on in my life. It sometimes takes an act of thinking on things to realize that although there might be some anxiety, underneath it all, there is peace. Doesn't matter what that stuff is. The enemy of our souls is working overtime to bring families, in relationships, in the Church and in the world. Anything he can do to tear something apart is his main motive. Don't we see it happening?
It's a good thing this peace thing is developing now because don't some of us know it will only get worse?
Lies about Christianity. Removing God from everything in the name of embracing diversity and removing "offense." This can even happen in the Church with the advent of seeker friendly churches, desiring to lure people in for the numbers and watering down the truth or hard word of God. Oh, I never want to see that.
A friend and I were talking and she mentioned that although she might go through difficult times, she stays in her own place of peace. It's how she survives. What a novel idea. Each taking on the responsibility of holding on to our own peace, through the power of God.
I added that's where staying focused on the Lord, being in His Word, being in His presence and seeking Him daily, if not hourly or minute by minute (which admittedly is difficult to do unless you're a monk), is where our peace resides. A lot of stuff that goes on around me could cause anxiety, even tribulation, but if I lay claim to the fact that I have the Prince of Peace by my side, it just don't matter what that stuff is! "Sounds like a blog!" I exclaimed. She said, "Yes, write it. You should."
Oh, and in the midst of turmoil....Praise God. Praise Him for all He says He is. Praise Him for all He says He will do. Praise Him that I am who He says I am. Sing to Him a new song! Worship Him in Spirit and truth! All helps to maintain peace in a difficult world. At a time of unrest over circumstances in our lives, we should throw ourselves into the Word. What blessings and peace come from that.
When we need instruction or clarification, we are to go to the Lord. Go to His Word. If our peace is eroding, we need to find the promises of who we are in Christ. If we have that relationship with Him and understand that's where our peace lies, He is there for us. He is our Comforter. He is the peace that passes all understanding.
What we see in this world and right in our own backyard of life might upset us. It might hurt or be confusing. We may question what is going on. We may question if we are being stripped of our discernment. We might think we are being led down wrong paths. But the Word of God is the truth that resides in us. It is our foundation. It will not crumble. We are to keep our minds on the things of God and ask for His discernment for all things. Line things up with scripture. Question. Pray for His guidance in understanding.
In the last days even the elect of God is said to have occasion to be deceived. Occasion? Maybe even more. Who am I to think that I can't be deceived? That's why it is important to be close to the truth found only in the Word of God. But we must be sure that we are at peace, not complacency, thinking we are at peace when we might be lost instead.
He will direct our steps. He will give us rest. He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of sound mind. Let's keep that sound mind focused on Him. We can cast our cares on Him. We must press on in the Lord, and as Colossians 1:11 tells us, to be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy... It's maintaining that peace that brings joy for it is of the Lord. Praise Him!
Colossians 3:15 - And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
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