Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Jesus loves the little children. We are to come as little children. We are to have the faith of a child. Out of the mouths of babes. Children say the darnedest things. ...for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
This Christmas is over but there's a whole new year ahead for each of us. Let the real meaning of Christmas continue to play out in your heart. Let us remember the reason Christ came to this earth. He came for you and me. He wants us to come as little children.
Jesus had a few things to say about children. I and others believe that a child before the age of reason automatically goes to Heaven, without a confession of their faith. When a baby sadly dies, in a mother's womb, by abortion or otherwise, that child is gently placed into the arms of the Lord. They hold a special place in Jesus' heart and will not be left apart from Him. How He desires the same for us.
We are to come to Jesus as little children, throwing off all our pre-formed ideas. We are to let go of those ideas and with reckless abandon give ourselves to Him. No questions asked. Although He takes us as the mixed up adults we are, I think He receives us as little children. When we receive Him we become His children.
The disciples were rebuked for believing the children who wanted to see Jesus, touch Him, perhaps sit on His lap or be held, were a bother. I wonder if they had ever considered they could have been a bother too...maybe worse than little children! These children had no false ideas yet formed in their minds. They came willingly, with glee. I'm sure they saw something in Jesus the disciples didn't. Children are amazing. They pick up on things so quickly.
We are to have the faith of a child. It's that letting go that is so difficult for us to do. We don't need to understand all the facts, but boy do we want to before stepping into anything. We are to just take it all in, these things we hear about Jesus. It's that simple. Isn't that what a child does? You tell him something and (before the age of reason) he simply believes and trusts you. That's all Jesus asks of believe what the Father has proclaimed in His Word.
I mentioned a book I read a short while ago called Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. His son it seems nearly died and Jesus took him on a tour of Heaven. In this 4 year old's own words, over a period of time, he described what he saw. The words came from a child's perspective, without all the fluff and reason, and were sometimes undistinguishable because the boy hadn't yet learned how to put what he saw into words he could understand. It was delightful to read and fantastic when the meaning came to the surface.
This year on Christmas day we had a grand niece and grand nephew just being little children. They'd opened their presents and beamed over their treasures. But they couldn't have been more excited than when they were told they could go swimming in Nana's pool (indoor, of course). In the middle of the living room--in a flash and a flurry--off came all their clothes, left in a pile on the floor and off they ran. No inhibitions. They were just little children, the kind that Jesus loves, ready to just do and be. We are to strip ourselves of our preconceived ideas...let them just go in the middle of the living room floor...go running to Him. Let Jesus as our Living Water bring cleansing to our souls. The Living Water that heals us of sin.
Imagine what Jesus thinks when he hears the simple words and ideas of a child. Don't you think He smiles and perhaps says, "That's my child! How I love him." He did, after all, create the little children. He wants to hear you make a commitment to Him as well so He can call you His child. It may be post-Christmas, but I think you will find this link enjoyable. Imagine what Jesus might have thought.
Mark 10:15 - Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.
I love this post; it does always come back to coming as a child.