Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The First Step

2Thessalonians 3:1 - Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you.

My head is spinning. It was as if my head downloaded one file after another. And God was in the midst of it all.  

There's an incident occurring in my life. It does not pertain to immediate family, but it's close enough. People get old, begin to fail, cling to their independence and are just plain stubborn for that independence and with our families. It causes dissension and pain and arguments. Fear takes over and peace is disturbed, unhappiness and frustration abounds. Feelings are hurt and stubbornness from both sides can erupt. We need to know how to deal with these issues.

It's only through God's love, strength and peace in our lives that we can overcome these things. I've mentioned time and again about my Dad and our relationship and his Alzheimer's Disease. I don't know that I ever said this before though:

About six months before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's I did not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I did not know Him. My relationship with my dad was nearly non-existent because of his alcoholism prior to the Alzheimer's. But God...knew what was about to happen across the board. He knew what I needed more than I did. And He knew just what to do. I am so grateful for that wisdom of His!

Five months before I learned about my Dad's disease, a miracle happened in my life. I was "introduced" to Jesus Christ and He changed a few things in me. This relationship I didn't have with my Dad turned into one. I could not, perhaps would not, have been overly concerned with his condition. After all these years of not knowing him, why would I think about it now? Such hard words and thoughts. But one thing Jesus did was change my hard heart into one that was soft. He turned any bitterness (which might have been pushed down) into forgiveness and compassion for a father I hardly knew. I was able to say without a doubt, "Father, forgive him for he knows not what he does." 

It wasn't always easy to be with my Dad because alcoholism created a difficult nature in him. That's why I avoided him. When I got wind of his Alzheimer's I got through it, not without pain or frustration, not without disappointment and tears, but through the strength that Jesus gave to me. And the peace that came with that. As far as I was concerned, God allowed my relationship with my Dad to be restored. He gave back the years that were stolen by his alcohol and He allowed me to love him like I had not been able to before because of the distance between us.

I received an email yesterday from one who will be involved in the "family" situation that is about to be unleashed. Yesterday a friend's blog brought up the issue of taking inventory of our lives in Christ. It prompted me to think about where I am. Am I where God wants me to be or am I floundering somewhere? Another friend sent me an email about something her pastor brought up in a sermon...giving up our own schedules to minister to others, showing Christ in our lives. Again I got to wondering where I am. Not where I want to be, I thought. I emailed a response to my friend's blog because I need to be accountable for my actions for Christ from this day forward. 

My plea to God as I responded to my friend's blog was: Lord, it's my first step [the accountability]. I'm at Your beck and call. Bring it on, help me to see the opportunities to speak. Wave them right in front of my face. Shout them in my ears. Shove them in my path. 

So I responded to the first email about the family situation. I described what happened with my Dad and all that occurred before and after that. It was while I was writing it that I realized I had just been given my first opportunity! I'd taken my first step.

Just before I got the response from the "family situation person," I was reminded about the Parable of the Sower! Seed can fall into different types of soil and depending upon which soil it fell into will determine the outcome of that seed. It can fall along the road where it is snatched up by birds and not able to take any sort of root. It can fall on rocky ground where it might take hold for a time but without moisture, as in a desert, it will just wither and die. The seed can fall in thorny areas where it is choked by the strength of the weeds. Or it can fall on good soil where it is nourished and has a chance to reproduce itself. Let me just say this. I realize not all words are received, sadly, because not all words are understood. That's in God's hands. The point is, I took action.

This speaking out may cost me. Time is getting short for us on this planet. Times are getting tense. Things are not like they used to be and things will not be the same. We can either complain about it or we can dig in our heels and work it out. We can accept it and muddle through or we can reject it and have our heads in the sand. The best bet, however, is to trust in God for all things. It's to look to Him not man or the situation.

All I know, and it's something that is generally understood by those in relationship with Christ, is we have to know where we are, who we are, what we stand for and what we can do as believers in Christ, as my blogger friend suggested. We need to be ready with the words to speak when others just don't get what's going on. We need to be strong and secure in our relationship with the Lord first and then help others to see where our strength lies. We have to be willing to share what we know...be a light in the darkness of the world. Jesus was the Light that helped me to see and part of our responsibility is to shine that same light to others. 

I've been removed for the past ten weeks recovering from foot surgery. That's not much of an excuse, but I do feel remote from people. This "captivity" is over as I'm released to be up and about with no restrictions, other than the rest I'll need after being on my feet more than I have lately. My prayer is that I begin this new year with an even newer heart and even stronger resolve to incorporate Jesus into my relationships with those around me. The first step is taking the first step. Sort of like today being my first unhindered step back into the world! It's having my senses alert to having a word to say. It's not about having a perfect word, but just a word. A word that hopefully would present an opportunity for discussion. If not discussion, thought. 

2Thessalonias 2:16-17 - Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.

1 comment:

  1. But God ... is so true. And yes, it will cost you ... it always does. But I HEAR the freedom in your voice; that freedom that comes only from obedience!
