Thursday, December 23, 2010

Celebrate the Great I AM

Luke 2:11 - For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Two more days until Christmas. Time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, a small Child who was at the same time the great I AM. Try to imagine that. 

Jesus declared a few things that caused much contention, words that not all people could understand: I am the Gate, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, I am the Good Shepherd, I am the Light of the world, I am the true Vine, I am the living Bread, I am God's Son (John 10:9, 14:6, 10:14, 8:12, 15:1, 6:51, 10:36). He also said he was the Living Water. This little boy who was born in a lowly place laid claim to some pretty amazing things. The Son of God? Do you really know what that means? He wishes to be all these things for you. Neither His birth, life nor death was without purpose. He wants you to also be born into God's family and claim status as a child of God. 

We don't know the exact date Jesus was born. It is suggested that December was chosen out of pagan roots, that both secular and Jewish feasts and observances around the time of the winter solstice were all joined together. He was most likely born in either fall or spring. 

Again it's not the exact date that is important but the idea of who we are celebrating. God sent His only Son to this earth to reveal Himself to us, to offer Himself for us, to be raised back up to Heaven to again be seated at the right hand of God. Why confine our celebration to one time of the year? Every day it is possible for another person realize a need for a Savior and receive Christ. That's cause for celebration. Everything about Jesus is cause for celebration! He is available 24/7/365. Without His birth our spiritual birth could not be possible. If we could fully grasp this. So simple yet so complex.

On this day was born....we know He was. The important part of this verse is He is a Savior, who is Christ Jesus the Lord. A Savior, our Savior. He is our Savior if we acknowledge Him. He is our Savior if we seek Him with our whole heart. The shepherds sought Him, as did the Magi. Shepherds to Magi...lowly men who tended their sheep to well revered wise men or kings. Not only do I see this as a picture of all mankind, from one end of the spectrum to the other but as Jesus the King of kings and the sacrificial Lamb who was all things for all people. 

There's a song called Mary Did You Know. One of the verses I like the most says: Mary, did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? This child you've delivered will soon deliver you. He came into the world to deliver you, too. If we could wrap our heads around every aspect of what He has done. If we could fully understand how God brought this all about and the importance of it all. If we could fully understand what He endured in His life and death. All for us. How much more would we worship Him?

Make it a daily occurrence this next year to get to knowing Jesus better. Wake up thanking Him for a new day. Reverentially speak His name. Learn about Him. Ask Him to teach you. Ask Him! He will respond if you really want to know Him. If you only know who He is, seek to know that you know Him personally. He's a Jesus just for you, just like He's Jesus just for me. He wants to be your Savior but you need to ask Him. You can't assume He is just because you have heard of Him. It takes commitment on your part. He's here for all people but at a cost...we are to offer ourselves to Him and let the things of the world be less important.

Christmas is ALL about Jesus. It is not about Santa. Christmas commemorates the beginning of the life of One who loves us so much that He chose to die for us. Can anyone else lay claim to that? Receive Christ, receive life. Let's extend our celebration to worship...daily. Put Christ into your Christmas this year.

Give to the LORD the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness! Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.  (1Chronicles 16:29, Psalm 95:6)

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