Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rapture ?

Philippians 3:10 - that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. 

There is a term not everyone is familiar with if it is not preached. It is not formally mentioned in the Bible but through phrases and ideas it is described. There are a few views on this by those who believe there will be a Rapture of the saints of God near the last days. These are just my ponderings on the subject, okay?

What is this Rapture? It is the catching away, a removal, of those who have given their lives to Christ. Rapture is defined as
 the state or experience of being carried away or to catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force). It is believed it will happen prior to the last days before Christ returns, before the time of great Tribulation here on earth...a time many today believe we may be close to, of which we are seeing the births pains. 1Thessalonians 4:17 - Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together.

Others believe it will happen sometime during the Tribulation, others after all the troubles in the world are coming to an end and Jesus returns. I get more confused about when it will be the more I read or hear about it. I think there may be various views in our own church, although I think they tend to believe we will be caught away. And I've vacillated in my thinking. I probably will again!

The Bible tells us we can fall prey to lies in the last days, even the staunchest Christians. Although this rapture idea is not a salvation issue, thankfully, there is no doubt in my mind we should be prepared for whatever might occur.

We read about the difficult times the followers of Christ well as Christ. Why should we have it any different? Some might say that life on earth is our suffering but if that's so it ain't that bad that I can't get through it! I get frustrated, anxious, angry. But I get over it till the next time. The suffering we have in this life is part of our taking up our own Cross each day.

Maybe this 
fellowship is in how we live our lives now during difficult times. Surely it is something we must do. Maybe it is how we will react if we see the last days before Christ returns? One can look at it this way...many have gone on before us and did not see the last days... Many have been martyred for their belief in God and many have lived relatively peaceful lives. Only God knows where each of us truly stand "in Christ" and how we carry our Cross. Do we carry it during illness, loss, hardships? And how do we do?

The other thought I've had is that if we all have been taken away, who would be here to carry out God's work? We are to be the light of the world that others might see God through our behavior, our words. If we are not here, then what? Where's that Cross?

I think I'm beginning to fall into the category of those who will see some very difficult times, much worse than what we know now. That's the mid-tribulation rapture. It will definitely separate the wheat from the chaff. It is said that there will be a falling away of many. Although this can happen at any time, this would be the perfect time. Those whose faith just didn't cut the mustard...or better yet, the mustard seed of faith just wasn't there.

There is a great Tribulation ahead of us, one that is far worse than anything we've seen already. Even what appears to be happening in this country that causes many to be upset will be nothing compared to the last days' Tribulation. I'm not convinced we will not see some of the suffering ourselves.

We certainly have a ways to go as individuals and especially a Church (in general) to meet the high standards God has set. So many churches lay claim to "Jesus loves you" only teaching and doesn't speak of His great and awesome judgment for fear of losing their congregation. I pray I will not be part of that kind of church...ever. I'd rather hear about how we must reverently fear God. I'd rather hear the fire and brimstone teachings that are the truth of God's Word. If we attend church and never feel convicted we aren't learning anything. If we aren't taught the truth we will never change. 

Oh, some will walk away from hard messages. The hearts of all people need to be changed. We need to be fed the meat of God's Word, not forever be nourished on milk. Yes...come as little children, but grow to maturity in the truth of the Word of God. Amen??? 1Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

I've mentioned before that there are still so many mysteries that need to be revealed about God's Word. We will never uncover all of them. This is where our trust in Him is vital. 

The Rapture, like I said, is not a salvation issue. I'm still out with the jury on this one. When I read what the Bible says it sure sounds clear to me that we will be removed from all disaster. Who wouldn't want to bypass the really hard times the world is going to face some day? However, we can take on complacent attitudes with that sort of thinking. I suppose for some their lives right now can be considered difficult. What is considered a difficult? I think everyone's idea of that would be different. I could say at times my life is not easy in some areas. But it's not as bad as others. How bad is bad? Can't answer that. Does our definition have anything to do with the way we look at a situation and handle it? I suspect it does. The fellowship of His sufferings...taking up our Cross.

The important thing is to keep the wisdom coming...the meat of God's Word. Continue to worship God and learn His nature. Stay tuned in to Him rather than the world where the lies are floating about and easy to take in if you don't have a solid foundation in the Way, the Truth and the Life of Jesus Christ. Jesus will return and we must be ready to go with Him, as individuals and the Church. We are clearly not ready. And we do not know the day or hour He will return (Matthew 25:13).

This is a hodge-podge of thoughts, I agree. From coming as little children, sharing Christ's sufferings, taking up our own Cross, the Rapture, the Word... If anyone knows for a fact the true answer, I'd be happy to listen! 

1Thessalonians 3:3-4 - that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this. For, in fact, we told you before when we were with you that we would suffer tribulation...

1 comment:

  1. So, so true! No one will ever know the day or hour ... but the wise WILL understand! And that is something powerful to hang onto!
