Well, this body just ain't what it used to be! After six weeks of voluntary "rest" for some foot surgery last December, I now get involuntary "rest" for possibly another six weeks after twisting an ankle and somehow fracturing a bone in the process.
I suppose this could be one of those valley experiences...Will I grow here? Or will my bone just heal? Ah, that's the question. I will not let this get me down in spirit. I will still praise God. It's another hiccup in my life. I can still maintain a relationship with Him and seek Him. And His words can still speak to me.
I think about all I must forego. It's the beginning of golf season...crutches for the time being...not sure about driving just yet since it's my right ankle and have a walking cast boot on...relying on husband, yet again, to have all my little needs close at hand. If I can't do anything else, I can still tune in to Him.
I had no time to prepare myself for these things. I like to prepare! I'm glad I got my spring housepurging done! There's a blessing! And there are other blessings: Blessing #1 is my husband. #2 and #3 are the kitties who love it when I'm down for the count! Blessing #4 are the things I can do sitting.
I was reading Psalm 139 this the other morning. I found it, as I always do, so comforting. I also saw a bit of humor in it:
(The LORD) knows my sitting and rising up. He comprehends my path and my lying down! He surely saw me last week lying on that grass unable to get up. He saw me dragging myself to the house! What a sight that must have been. He is acquainted with all my (sometimes clumsy) ways! He truly did form my inward parts, weak ankles and all. And yet He calls me fearfully (got that right) and wonderfully made. And if He fashioned that day for me, He had a plan. I'm wondering if the reason I didn't try to get up and walk was just a bit of a God-nudge.
So, Lord, search me and know my heart this day. Keep your hand upon me and lead me...somewhere! Lay your hand upon me and heal me. You have me hedged in and I cannot flee from your Spirit...especially with crutches! I thank You that You are so close.
Psalm 42:11d - ...for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.
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