Wednesday, May 5, 2010

God's Nature, God's Glory

Isaiah 6:3 - And one cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!" 

I was sitting outside the other day beholding God's creation right in the front yard of our house. It's glorious. The sun shining, the birds singing, chirping, scolding, swooping and perching. Spring blooms are in various stages of their season. Grass is green, trees in bloom or budding. The colors alone are magnificent, the rustling sounds of the leaves calming.

The Word tells us that all of creation declares the glory of God. Not only that but nature describes His nature and beauty. It shows His creativeness. All the colors, all the different shapes and sizes and textures. They're endless because our God is endless in His wisdom and beauty.

Think about it...He gave us all this to enjoy. Let us thank Him and exalt His name for the wonderful things He has given us. It's hard to imagine that there are some who believe that by some mystical cosmic experience this all is. There are some who don't believe there is a Divine God who has fashioned all these things with no more than His word spoken and it was so. 
Genesis 1: 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 29 - Then God said... was good, to boot!

I've mentioned before that He is a God of mystery. I don't dispute this one bit but thankful that I am satisfied just believing this. Just trusting in all things that God is who He says He is. I can't imagine living without that knowledge and faith.

It's sad to think that some believe that our lives on earth are meaningless apart from the good deeds we do and that when we die that's it. so they believe we should live our lives to the fullest here on earth and satisfy our own pleasures while we can.

I believe that what we see on earth, the splendor of His creation, is only a hint of what will be for those who seek God now, to see Him today in all things. Heaven will be greater than all this!

The Bible tells us in Revelation what it will look like... precious gems, streets of gold... To be honest with you, I'd be satisfied with what I see each day here. But by then we will be changed and what we see is what we will be ecstatic to have at that time. It will also take a very far back seat to being in the presence of God. I wonder if when we see Him face to face we will be able to comprehend all His nature at one time? That somehow in the spirit we will be able to equate what we've seen on earth as His heavenly nature? Do you know what I mean? Streets of gold? I'd be happy with dirt! Pearly gates? Give me a picket fence! I'm a simplistic person, but God goes beyond simplistic. Every detail of every thing was well thought out.

Lord, bless this day. Bless all my friends. Help them to see the beauty of nature through Your eyes. Help them to go deeper in their hearts and spirits to see You as You desire to be seen. Let the things of this world grow dim in Your glory. Remove the veils of those who do not even see. Show us all, Lord, the nature of who You are. If You have cared for us so much and have given us a glimpse of that love through nature, let those who do not realize this get to that place.

There is no such thing as mother nature, folks. That's just one more myth that got started somewhere by some unbeliever! It's all about our Father God.

Habakkuk 2:14 - For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

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