Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Romans 1:18-19 - The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

Okay, another hard word. Another word of truth. One year ago would you have believed:
  • The Fed would monetize our debt after telling us they wouldn't
  • Europe would be on the brink of disaster and there would be riots in the streets
  • Getting on to an airplane would require getting felt up by invasive pat downs or sent through scanners taking pictures of your naked body while being told those pictures would not get on the internet
  • A Russian company that would sell uranium to Iran would also be given control of 50% of US uranium output in Wyoming
  • The current administration would bypass congress in order to pass new broadcast rules that make net neutrality, a regulation they are going around congress and courts to get, look like child's play
  • Federal law enforcement agencies are putting GPS units under people's cars without a warrant
  • American credit card transactions are being tracked in real time without a warrant
These are just a few things Glenn Beck mentioned on one of his programs. He shared a headline from the New York Times from early December: Mounting Debts by States Stoke Fears of Crisis. He's not making this up. Are we aware of these things? Are we concerned? Is this type of information being brought out in the open on mainstream media? Do we have our heads buried in sand? Or do we think this will just all blow over?

Do we believe such things can happen to us? We are, after all, America. This reminds me of the scripture regarding the last days when we as a country will experience pains similar to birth. Can we even imagine what our country will look like in another year if all this has happened on one year? Will we recognize it? 

Little by little things are eroding. There are some who only want to be told what to think and what to do. Thankfully some are speaking out against what we see happening and, of course, that's bringing opposition and a lot of criticism for those who see a country that once stood for freedom and democracy suddenly heading to socialism. Do we really want the government to control us? When will we say "enough?"

God is allowing us to do as we wish. He is a God who has told us long ago that He would leave us to our own desires if we choose to replace Him as our center with the ideas and plans of a society bent on becoming successful in their own way. Romans 1:28-31 - since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

Is our government (both party lines) really being honest? Are they looking to the Constitution which was based on a Divine Creator? Or have they given in to the depraved minds mentioned above? Oh, not all are evil or God-haters. There are a few who only want what God would want for us. But this seems to be a dying breed...in government and this society. God just is not important anymore...and He showed us this would occur.

On the other hand and in a more positive light, Beck has revealed on his program groups of people whose hearts are set on doing the good and right things, like those in Wilmington, Ohio. I would suppose to the those who oppose Beck, the exposure of these people may seem sappy.                                                                ...suppose...those...oppose...expose???

The tides have turned. Maybe we've seen our best days. What lies ahead? A friend and I were discussing how we sure would like to see the Lord return quickly. But I think we still have some things to accomplish here on earth. And the Lord will tarry as long as necessary to receive more people into the Kingdom. Our work...His work...is not yet done. These things we see if we have our eyes open may be the envelope that is pushed to change the world, not just our country, because if our country fails, I believe the world fails. Where do we look for the peace we all desire? Jesus is that peace. 

I don't want to see this happening. I don't want to be experiencing difficult times. But it might be the only way others will see that our peace and our hope comes from a Source other than what lies right before us, the things we can hold on to or see in this world, the things the Bible says will rust and which things moths can eat. Just what will it take to realize this and what will we need to let go of? Will we be able to or will we cling to our stuff? We've been blessed as it were, but have we done the right things with our blessing or did we hang on to it for our own profit? 

Everything we have has been given to us by God. He has created us. He has given us wisdom. He has given us the opportunity to know what He requires. He also knows what we truly are doing with what He has allowed us to have and be good stewards of. Do we feel we are privileged to "have?" There's a fine line. 

We should not rely entirely on our government. If we do we will crash and burn. Like I wrote before, there will be, and probably is, a sifting going on in the world. If we cling to the good things of God we will be secure. If we do not, what was sifted out will be blown away in the wind. Do we want to feel so secure in our riches? What makes us think it couldn't be taken away at any minute by our government?

We who are believers need to be here to share where our hope lies. We need to share the fact that it's not about our stuff but about Who supplies our everyday needs. I still have visions of Black Friday and the materialism. As Beck described on one of his programs, the mortar that holds our lives together is materialism. What would we do without it? Who would we turn to? 

Lord God, let Your glory shine in the lives and hearts of simple men who believe in You. Let the name of the Lord be praised. Let Your Spirit pour out on all the people of this world that they might know You and where exactly their hope can come from if they just pay attention. Make blind eyes to see, deaf ears to hear, hearts to soften and minds to change. Let the truth be known.

Just as Glenn Beck tells us to take a stand and make a choice in this country, we need to do the same with God. It's even a more important stand and choice to make. There is such a parallel because God either is, or is not, involved in every aspect of our lives, depending on which choice we make.

I read the editor's review of Glenn Beck's book, Broke: In the words of Harvard historian Niall Ferguson, the United States is “an empire on the edge of chaos.” Why? Glenn Beck thinks the answer is pretty simple: Because we’ve turned our backs on the Constitution. Yes, our country is financially broke, but that’s just a side effect of our broken spirit, our broken faith in government, the broken promises by our leaders, and a broken political system that has centralized power at the expense of individual rights.

I was struck by the use of the words turned our backs, spirit, faith, promises...words that parallel the Bible's words. This country's Constitution was founded on godly principles. Belief and trust in God were their foundation. They acknowledged their need for Him. They thanked Him for a chance to live in a land free from the slavery of the English rule. But our government has turned its back. He has been cast aside for personal control, power and corruption. It's important to realize we can't rely on anyone else or ourselves and we must return to the One who raises our spirits, who is our faith and who does not break His promises. God tells us as individuals: seek Me, let Me free you from bondage in this world. Trust in Me. If you do I will provide your every need. But if you turn your backs on me, I will leave you to your own devices and you will flounder and fail.

If we are in Christ and trust in Him, are in relationship with Him, our future, no matter what it holds in store, is secure. There is no greater security than that which we get from a God who wants nothing more than relationship with Him, trusting in Him and not the world. It's the same message--always. Without an Almighty influence in our lives we are nothing. If only the government would go back to its own roots.

This should be the most positive, peaceful thought and the best solution we could consider: Jesus is the way, truth and LIFE. Not our government, not any man. But it's a choice we each have to make on our own. We must make the wise choice. The solution is spiritual not political. 

When you know the truth it will set you free. Again the truth, the answer to all our problems and needs lies in the Man, Jesus Christ. Seek for yourself. He tells us that if we seek Him He will make Himself known. But you must seek with all your heart. It is the only truth worth looking for. As Beck stated: God is not on our side. It is our choice to make to be on His side. It is up to us to choose God...Jesus. 

Jeremiah 29:13-14 - And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity... 

1 comment:

  1. Powerfully said! And yes, it IS our choice ... whether we decide or not, we decide!
