Friday, December 17, 2010

Do We Really Need the Government?

Acts 20:35 - I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive.'' 

I watched the Glen Beck the other night. My blog the other day was called Do You Believe in Miracles? That could have been what this program could have been called if it had not been called a Glenn Beck Christmas special!

Beck was in the small town of Wilmington, Ohio. Their major business concern three years ago was DHL, an international delivery company whose national hub was in Wilmington. The company shut down their domestic delivery service and pulled out of town bringing hardship to this community of 11,000 people. Why?...8,000 lost their jobs! But the people of Wilmington were not about to give up hope. The town experienced miracles. They pulled up their bootstraps and did some amazing things, enough to cause Beck to take notice. They chose not to ask for government assistance. Instead, the town rallied together and helped each other out. Now that makes a person smile and gives that warm and fuzzy feeling.

There was a woman who took it upon herself to start a prayer ministry. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week this town of many people from the 32 churches gather where  chalkboards are displayed with various prayer requests. It could very well be the town's success has come from this ministry, from the dedicated people who have humbled themselves before God and made these requests known to Him. Although there's a part of this country that is not seen God's blessings, this town is. Glory goes to God and God alone. Who needs the government when God is in control!?

Think what could happen if more people in more towns would shake the victim mentality of just wanting government to take care of them and begin to seriously consider helping each other out or applying themselves. The Bible tells us For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat (2Thessalonians 3:10). God worked...He created this world and everything in it...and when He was done He proclaimed it was good. Shouldn't that be example enough? 

Glenn talked to several people he'd come across after speaking with some of them. Some were from town, some came to Wilmington to be part of this celebration. Story after incredible story were shared of how people have begun to listen to Beck, have heeded not only his warnings but his suggestions, have even begun to seek God, and have seen wonderful changes in their lives.

A woman saw a hotel for sale. It had been for sale for a long time. She inquired about it but wasn't so sure she and her husband could afford it. It would take a lot to fix it up. But she met with the seller and he trusted she could do what needed to be done and they shook hands on an agreement. The hotel is up and running today.

One man and his family lost their business in a fire. They never felt so alone. Through his church he was introduced to a man in Wilmington who had a building he could relocate to and rebuild his business...on nothing more than a handshake...because the same thing had happened to him twenty years prior and he knew what this man was going through.

In the two cases I mentioned it was not just a handout. They were miracles. Miracles of a human nature done out of selflessness of heart. They were examples of people choosing to do something to help someone get a new start. They were able to move forward...on a handshake. People helping people. Not people whining about government assistance. 

There's a lot to be said for giving out of the very pure motives of one's heart. This is what Jesus would want us to do. 

This is a season of giving. It is more blessed to give than to receive, Jesus has told us.. Can we ever get a full understanding of this? Can we shake off the life we've become used to if this is not our nature? Can we step out of our comfort zone and get off the couch and away from the television and do something for someone else? Can we give without expecting anything in return but perhaps a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing we have given something to someone who needs it?

Another man runs the local food pantry. He prays over all the shelves and trusts God for the results. He has enough food to last six months. We need more of this. We need to begin to believe that God can do what He tells us...that He is our provider. He used people, but it was He who urged them to give. 

Beck explained how his good Jewish friend, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, broke down the meaning of the Hebrew word for love. The Hebrew language is so filled with meaning. Within the four Jewish symbols of the word are the center two. The center...the center...and they mean to give. Isn't that what love is supposed to be? You give, not take. To give of ourselves, not to ourselves. I sometimes feel I have failed in this area. Maybe it's because I did not receive as a child. So what about this thing I've been saying about my relationship with Jesus? Shouldn't that have healed that part of me? Perhaps it's in the works. I know there's a stirring going on...

Wilmington is an excellent example of what this country needs to be. This is what we used to be as a nation. Always giving. Now we are a country in debt. We need a country of people like those of Wilmington. I have heard, and Glenn says the same thing, there is going to be a spiritual awakening in this country. It's just a matter of time. The things that Wilmington can represent I think can be just the beginning of that revival. One town, then two and little by little a movement that cannot be mistaken or overlooked.

As we enter into the Christmas season where love--and giving--is to predominate, let us keep this all in mind. Let us give....not necessarily stuff, but let's give of ourselves. Let us push aside our own wants and needs and reach out to others. Let us go beyond what we have always done and let us communicate our love in our actions. Let us step beyond what we would consider "our job." 

Our families may not be needy and we don't have to give physical gifts, but we can give of ourselves... Remember what Jesus did for us. He gave His life. Can we not give just a moment of our life, putting aside our own desires for just a moment of time in our lives, for the family? Can we not turn off the television for a time and listen to each other and join in the conversations? I guarantee we will be blessed if we do that. Let's shake the crabbiness and desire to control and just let things fall where they may. Let us not shush the children or grouse at a spouse!

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. [So] do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship (Proverbs 22:9, Hebrews 13:16, Romans 12:1).

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