Tuesday, September 28, 2010

He Chose Us to be In Him

Ephesians 1:4 - ...just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love...

We did not choose Him. We've heard people say, "I found God." God had a special plan for that person...and sought him out...and that's the real story!

I spent several years "looking for myself." I know now I wasn't looking for myself. I began to think there had to be more for me. I was searching for something spiritual and looking in all the wrong places. God was working on choosing me.

Horoscopes, psychic fairs, Shirley McLaine--all areas I looked to for guidance. All areas that were actually taking me nowhere...thankfully. There still was a tugging sensation that would not stop and (I thought) I kept searching.

Today I know that searching was initiated by God, the Father. I have heard it said we have a God-shaped hole in our heart. It is not exactly scriptural, but how would one feel that tugging in one's heart, looking for more out of life, if it did not come from Him? The closest scripture that comes close is Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts... I was longing for something. My heart was not being fulfilled by all the worldly things. Although I was left to my own devices for awhile, He finally came alongside me, in His perfect timing, and appeared when I needed Him the most. 
We are told that we are not complete without God, that we are nothing apart from Him. We ask Him to come into our lives and our hearts. Then we are filled with Him, we become one with Him, and that yearning for something is identified...so God filled that void in our heart.

Yes, He chooses us. That is so incredible. To think that before creation He knew.... He chose, He predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will... (Ephesians 1:5)

He calls all, there's no doubt. But not all hear Him, not all answer the call. Sadly, I have friends I've known a long time. They know my story. They know what the Lord has done for me. But it seems their spiritual eyes and ears have not been opened to see or hear. Yes, it's frustrating, of course, but there's not much more I can do about it. I have planted the seed, there will be others who will come into their lives (hopefully) and add more to my testimony through their own, but God is the one who does the final work, who brings meaning to words I've said, who opens their understanding.

God opened my heart, my mind, my spirit. I became part of the ones to whom He has given His wisdom and made known the mystery of His will (Ephesians 1:9)...to be one in Christ, in Him. 

In Him appears seven times in Ephesians 1. In Him we have:

  • blessings from heavenly places (verse 4)
  • redemption through His blood (verse 7)
  • forgiveness of sins (verse 7)
  • oneness of all things in heaven and earth (verse 10)
  • obtained an inheritance (verse 11)
  • predestined according to God's promise (verse 11)
  • trust in Him because we believed (verse 13)
  • sealed with the Holy Spirit (verse 14)
  • guaranteed an inheritance (verse 14)

These things were worked in us through the power of God first worked in Jesus Christ. Upon our acceptance of Jesus we become one in Him, like Christ Jesus is one with the Father.

That means access to God through Jesus. Do you realize how fantastic that is? We don't need to try to gain access like the people did through the High Priests in the Old Testament. Because Christ had not yet come that's all these people could do to be atoned for their sins. Praise God, when Jesus came that the middle man was removed. Any business person will know how taking away the middle man can cut time and cost. The same goes for allowing Jesus to be the main Source. No longer do we need to go through our earthly priests or pastors for forgiveness of sin. We have direct access.

We have direct access to all the things I listed above...when we become one with Christ. 

We are saved by God's grace, a free gift. We become known as saints when we accept this free gift. If you feel something is missing, if you feel a tugging in your spirit, ask Jesus if that's Him. Pay attention to it, listen. You might hear Him speaking directly to you. Jesus desires a personal relationship with YOU. It's personal because the middle man is cut out. Go right to the right Source.

I pray that:

...the eyes of your understanding [would be] enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power... (Ephesians 1:18-19) 


  1. So true ... it is His grace that saves us, and we really need to remember that as that word GRACE has unwittingly become a catch-all for so many other things!

  2. And I so agree with you, as you know! Grace is not an excuse to live as you wish. Where's that hard word in church these days?
