Saturday, March 16, 2013

Words of Truth and Life

“Must I not take heed to speak what the Lord has put in my mouth?” not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. (Numbers 23:12, Mark 13:11)

Thank You Lord for the truth of Your Word. Thank You for the promises of the blessings to those who love You and keep Your commands, who do not fear what man can do. Thank You that no matter what happens, if our eyes are stayed on You it is You who protect us. Who can understand this? That even in our death from evil doing, illness or the end of our days we are in Your hands and the better part of our existence lies ahead.

Thank You for the words of the prophets that show us what You have done and will do. Future events that lie within the very words of Your Word! Balaam only spoke what You commanded. Let that be me. Let the Spirit of God come upon me. My eyes have been opened; open them more. I have heard Your words through reading (seeing)  Your Word; let me hear more clearly. I have seen in my spirit Your visions; let my spirit be more open to seeing. (Numbers 24)

Thank You that You are a God who cannot lie, whose words are truth and that includes judgment and justice for those who do not understand, see, hear. When You say something it will come to be. Your Word is filled with those things that will be. Filled with promises for those who seek You, Your Word, trust in You for their lives, are their Hope. But also filled with the promise that those who strive to do evil will be punished, even if they are not punished in their lifetime, there will be eternal punishment. 

A way has been paved and You are the Shepherd who leads His flock. You ARE the Way. Your ways are straight...and narrow. You guide us through and around obstacles. You are our strength. 

Like Israel, Your people, we who have been called by You, who follow You, trust You, call You our one true God (and there is none other like You), are Your disciples (and the sheep of Your pasture), we will stand in the end. Enemies may gather against us, chide us, persecute us, but You have said You would possess our enemies while You make us victorious! You remain the same and Your promise to us is forever: You will never leave us nor forsake us. 

I have prayed for years for a voice, Lord God. Let the Words that You put in my heart be spoken. It is not about those who like me but about Who loves me. You are the one who is to be exalted. Just as You bless those who bless Israel and You curse those who curse Israel, You will bless those who bless You and curse those who do not.

Heavenly Father, continue to open eyes around the world, but don't forget those nearest all of us. Let the wisdom and knowledge of who You are be revealed. Let the light and truth of Your words be life. Let the mysteries of who You are be a driving force. Let freedom in Christ cover in peace. You are our all in all. There is no guile in You. You bring real hope and the real future. We are only sojourners today in our physical life on earth. The real life lies ahead where many have already gone. 

Proverbs 11:27 - He who earnestly seeks good finds favor, But trouble will come to him who seeks evil. 

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