Friday, March 1, 2013

Marvel at Unbelief

Mark 6:6 - And He marveled because of their unbelief.

There are many of us who wonder at the unbelief even today...those who don't see this nation and the world crumbling. Just because we have always gotten through the worst of times many think it will happen again. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Is there a connection between what happens in this world and belief or unbelief in God? Oh, you better believe that! And depending upon the amount of faith in God that happens, again maybe it will, maybe it won't.

To be honest, I hope we don't have to go through tough times, that things work themselves out. Wouldn't we all want that? I don't think I'm truly prepared for tough times. Many of us have lived in an era of the silver spoon. But think about it. It was because our parents worked hard after their parents struggled. Working hard is the key. Today that concept is fading fast with the idea that it is pointless to try at all if we are all "graded the same" in the end.

But back to unbelief. Jesus was in His own hometown doing miracles and healing and His own people were offended. They saw Him as the carpenter's son only. How could He be doing miracles, call Himself the Son of God? The word offend seems to be cropping up a lot these days, especially in regard to Christianity, or maybe if you want to narrow it even more, because of Christianity. How could anyone believe there is only one God and He created all things, and that He controls all things and that He would allow a distinction between heaven and hell? That He would dare separate the sheep from the goats some day and would dare to bring judgment on a world that has its own ideas how things should be done, that no longer believes God is necessary and to be looked up to or relied upon? How dare we?

The unbelief grows. And so does offense...those who are followers of Christ are an offense for saying they are saved, redeemed, holy because of Jesus Christ, the biggest offense, and because God says they are.

And I marvel at the unbelief of even those who call themselves Christians. I marvel at the Church because many will not stand even stronger for the Truth of Jesus Christ. I marvel at the watered down versions of Jesus being preached...all for the sake of not offending those who are in their sins or lifestyles which are abhorrent to God. And God's abhorrence is offensive. I marvel at the fact we have turned evil into good and good into evil. And just to be on God's side is offensive. The unbelief that what His Word says is truth is staggering.

This world, this nation, for the most part, continues to believe what they wish. The Word of God is scorned. Many think we are to be one with nature, equal with the trees, that nature is more important than the lives of humans, or that we are even one with God. Many laugh at the idea that killing unborn children because they are an inconvenience is murder. Others sneer at the idea that  lifestyles should only be what the Bible says they should be. All the unbelief. I'm sure Jesus marvels at it too.

The word marvel used in the description in Mark 6:6 means to wonder at, to be had in admiration; to wonder [with great wonder i.e.] exceedingly; to behold, look upon, view attentively, contemplate. I wonder at that! I half expected it to be some other definition I'd never heard before, a more negative form of marvel, certainly not exceeding admiration. But then this is Jesus marveling. He understood in His own way...and accepted it. He might even had had some thought of the future days in which we would be living.

Not so easy for me, or others to marvel the way Jesus did. We are frustrated with the unbelief because we know the truth...and the Truth.

The prophet Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet because of his love for God and His people Israel, and grieved over their unrepentance and stubborn nature. He knew, as many of us also know, that there will be a coming judgment and a great disaster that lies ahead for our nation and the world. With that will come much pain and death, bitterness and loss of hope. Those who know the Lord may not be totally removed from this, but we will know we have a this Jesus who marveled at unbelief.

Jeremiah made many statements regarding offense...based on this unbelief. Let me end with a few to think about. We should not, in the end, be surprised at the unbelief. We should not expect any less than what either Jeremiah or Jesus went through. Let's let Jesus marvel at it all. It is He Who will take care of it some day! Let us, however, grieve as Jeremiah did over those who are filled with unbelief and pray for eyes to be opened, hearts to be softened and wisdom to come as a result of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord.  Read these words and contemplate those days with these days; the similarity is amazing.

Jeremiah spoke the words of the LORD: To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Indeed their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot give heed. Behold, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them; they have no delight in it...they did not obey Me or incline their ear, but stiffened their neck. They did worse than their fathers.
And Jeremiah grieved: For when I spoke, I cried out; I shouted, “Violence and plunder!” because the word of the Lord was made to me a reproach and a derision daily.
(Jeremiah 6:10, 7:26, 20:8)

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