Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Name Above All Names

Isaiah 10:6  - For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

I've been coming across all sorts of books and articles about the names of Jesus. I have a couple in my library. At this time of year, however, there are five names that are prominent. And if you look closely, they encompass our Savior.

Yes, Jesus, wrapped up as a little baby was called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. Those are some big words for One so small.

According to Strong's Biblical Concordance I will describe what each word means. But first you must remember, Jesus is the Word. He was in the beginning at creation, is now and is yet to come.

Thankfully, despite our not being able to physically see Him, He can be with us (Emanuel) today spiritually. As a friend reminds us in prayer often, we are spiritual beings if we know Christ. We are in the world but not of it. (John 17:15-16)  Knowing Christ is not about head knowledge. It's knowing Him in our hearts. It's not about what we've done to "achieve" goodness in our lives but what He has done that we might become righteous. (2Corinthians 5:21)

So let's look at each name. I love digging into meanings! It may seem like reading a dictionary but if you look into these words, even the root words, they open up the meanings. They show us the character of Jesus/God.

Wonderful: marvel, a wonder (extraordinary, hard to understand thing); wonder (of God's acts of judgment and redemption). The root word means: to be marvelous, be wonderful, be surpassing, separate by distinguishing action; to show oneself wonderful or marvelous; to separate. Somehow we have watered down the meaning. Today so many things are wonderful. But look at Jesus' life.  Look at all He did to prove Himself as Savior. Who else could open blind eyes, heal the sick, raise the dead, speak amazing words of truth, could love everyone with unconditional love, could withstand rejection and death and then rise again...all for us. Wonderful. He truly separated Himself from all others...He was perfect in all ways. He is extraordinary.

Counselor: to advise, consult, give counsel, purpose, devise, plan. Possibly from a root word meaning to command. He told us Who He was (John 10:30). He told us He had a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Those plans were set forth before the beginning of time (Psalm 139:16). All throughout His days on earth, and throughout His Word, He advised/advises and, yes, commands...all for our own good. He tells us: do not consider it strange...Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again. (John 3:7) He advises us to seek Him for our salvation. He advises us in the ways of truth.

Mighty God: mighty: brave man, strong man; to prevail, have strength, be strong, be powerful, be great; prevail; to make strong, strengthen; to act proudly (toward God); to bind up anything broken. I would say any Man who could have done all He did, including rising from the dead, would be called mighty. And isn't it He Who said He came to heal the broke hearted (Isaiah 61:1)? His ultimate goal is to heal our broken spirits, which each of us have without Him.
God: strength, power. Root words: pillar; ram...interesting words. We know God is all powerful. He is to be our strength, our strong tower. Ram denotes the strength in a ram's horns, massive and powerful. He is our shield against the enemy. In the strength of Jesus we can do anything and are eternally protected.

Everlasting Father:
Everlasting: perpetuity, for ever, continuing future; ancient (of past time); for ever (of future time);  of continuous existence. The root word means to pass on, advance. I love it...ancient and forever...our Ancient of Days...whose kingdom He will reign in peace forever.
Father (with a capital F!): of God as father of his people; of producer; of benevolence and protection; ruler or chief. He is our Father in Heaven, our Creator, He is good and our protector. And again, He will rule the world in peace forever one day.

Prince of Peace:
Prince:  ruler, leader, chief, captain; noble, official (under king); general, commander (military); heads, princes (of religious office); Ruler of rulers (of God). From the root: to be or act as prince, rule, contend, have power, prevail over, reign, govern; Lord; altogether. Jesus is our Prince. He is our  leader and has power. He prevails over all, reigns in our hearts and will contend for us. He is altogether everything we need.
Peace: completeness, soundness, welfare, peace; safety; health, prosperity; quiet, tranquillity, contentment; friendship; with God especially in covenant relationship. The root word: to be in a covenant of peace; to make peace with; to be complete, be sound; to make whole or good, restore, make compensation; be repaid, be requited; to make an end of. My, my. Jesus tells us His plan for us is to reconcile us with the Gather through our faith in Him. When we do, ALL these things become part of the promise for us. Total, complete, everlasting spiritual peace. He paid the price for all mankind.

Jesus, the Name above all names. The exalted One. Our Protector, Redeemer, Friend, all in all. If we have Him, we have all we need. I hope these things will loom large this Christmas.

Colossians 2:9-10, 2 -  For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power... in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

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