Monday, December 31, 2012

Are You Ready?

John 14:1-3 -  Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 

I listened to a sermon by a pastor at a church a friend of mine in Indiana attends. He spoke frankly about the last days being near. Just as the birth of Christ was prophesied, which prophecies came true, so has the return of Christ been prophesied and, therefore stands to be true. Jesus Himself has told us He will return in John 14 and other books.

He will return but how many are ready? How many believe in Jesus's return? Like Pastor Dave Engbrecht of Nappanee Missionary Church stated, just like the people in the Old Testament waited for years for the coming of their Savior and it didn't happen, when He did appear they were unprepared. So it is today. We've heard for a very long time Christ will return for His people. But skeptics loom as large as before.

The Old Testament showed us extremely well and many times what the world would look like before His return. It was lived out as an example for us. God had Noah build an ark and the people scoffed. We know the rest of the story. All but those who went onto the ark were saved, the rest perished. Well, today Jesus IS that ark. And when He returns again, all who have put their faith and trust in Him will as much as be on, or in, that Ark, and be saved.

I know there are oh so many skeptics. There are also some who are not but who aren't ready. They believe they have all the time in the world. And then there are those who can't wait for His return and are surely ready, mainly to take us out of this increasingly nasty world, like that in the days of Noah.

What is your condition? Are you ready? Is your heart looking to, and the thing you desire most, Jesus? If not, it's time to get ready. As Pastor Dave also said, He may not return in the next year but the signs are growing ever more obvious that the days are fewer. Several scriptures tell us that He will return like a thief in the night. We must be awake and watchful at all times. 

Is your mind focused on the Lord? Is He the most important thought? Are the things of God important? Then you're in a good place. If not, beware. Now is the time to consider a relationship with God.

Oh, I know, this is the so-called born again talk. Who says it's the only right way? Jesus does when He says He is the way, the truth and the life...and no one goes to the Father (even upon Jesus' return) apart from Jesus. And...Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born again. (John 3:7)

We are not to fear this process. Only good comes from our submission to Christ. Only good comes from this relationship because in the end when He returns He will take us to that place He has prepared for us. 

He is setting the stage for us today to hopefully see His hand at work in this world through the tragedies and natural disasters, the sin and wickedness we see now. Like the days of Noah... Are you ready? God has a plan and His plan will not fail. It's pointed out in scripture for all to see. The thing is, it must be read to understand it. It must be heard, it must be preached. Jesus says, "Those who have ears, hear..." Are you listening? Will you really be ready? It's not just about knowing who Jesus is. I will continue to say this till someone somewhere gets it. It's about knowing Jesus in the very depth of the soul and spirit.

The following came the other morning in my email mailbox which I read after I completed this writing and I want to end with it. God knows what's best for all of us and He will do whatever He needs to to open ears, hearts and minds to understand who Jesus is and what He can do...and why we need Him. There will always be skeptics and I guess there's not much anyone, except for God, can do for them. But He's always trying... And so should we. His plan was accomplished at Jesus' birth. Another plan will be accomplished when He returns. All things in between are His plans and should be heeded. 

Wisdom Hunters, December 29, 2012: God will accomplish His purpose. It may be with or without us, but He will execute His will. God does not back down or hold back when it comes to the fulfillment of His wishes. He knows what is best and is bent toward carrying out His good will. Nothing can stop God from accomplishing His purpose. War cannot stop His purpose because He will draw people to Himself during atrocities of war. Illness cannot stop His purpose because he will reveal His care, compassion and sometimes healing during the eventual breakdown of the body. Death cannot stop His purpose. God will graduate believers in Christ to heaven and non-believers in Christ to hell.

Jesus is the only Way. He is the only Ark. His plans are for good, not evil. All who follow Him, through a relationship with Him, will be saved. Are you ready? He is coming soon. Like a thief in the night. Do you have ears? Hear.

Isaiah 46:10 - Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times  things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure...

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