1Corinthians 15:9 - For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. - Apostle Paul
There is a song that is somewhat new. Turn Around by Matt Maher. It speaks mainly of people with serious problems, addictions, tragic stories, insecurities, but it speaks to all of us in some way. We all fit somewhere. However, there is no person, no problem too big or too small for God. We only have to turn around. He's there. Here's the chorus:
If you're scared that you don't matter
If you're lost and need to be found
If you're looking for a Savior
All you gotta do is turn around
That song was not what triggered this blog. I was thinking about people who have the "right stuff." Those who aren't scared or who don't think they're lost. Those who believe they are in control of their earthly lives. God has given them talents, strengths and convictions. But, oh, if they used them for the Lord instead of holding on to them in the world, how amazing it would be. How they would glorify God! But there has to be a desire; too often they are content as they are or they long for the praises of others whom they can see.
So that thought took me to the account of Saul who became Paul. Here was a man who persecuted Christianity. His convictions were intense. BUT GOD...met him on the side of a road. He knew he had been in the presence of the Lord when He said, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me? I don't for a minute believe the Lord was angry, just saddened...and also fully aware what Saul was to become. When we fight against the idea of a Savior who can redeem lives, heal and who only wants the best for us, we are fighting directly, rejecting personally, our Lord Jesus Christ. And He is saddened.
So, Saul came face to face with the Lord of all creation. He was stopped dead in his tracks. And he asked what he needed to do. And when he was told, Saul turned around. The name Saul means enquired of, responded. Suits him. He was enquired of by God and he did respond. The name Paul, on the other hand, means small or little. The name change I've read could have been God's or Paul's. If it was God I think He is telling us it doesn't matter the stature in our character; He can use anyone. Paul called himself "the least [little] of the Apostles" (1Corinthians 15:9). Quite the opposite of Saul's old image. Just saying... At any rate, Paul's conversion was the big thing. And the turn around that took place was amazing...from old to new. We might be strong in our earthly selves, but God might show us we must come to the end of that person...turn around...and allow Him to use us as the least, with the strengths and convictions He has given us.
When we reject Jesus it's our own form of persecution toward Him. I don't mean totally rejecting Him, angrily or scoffing Him, but determining in our own minds that if we only believe that Jesus existed and choose not to receive Him as our own personal Savior...that also is a form of rejection. We must be born again, as Jesus tells us. And that means receiving Him and turning our lives around. Saul was born again. He turned his life around. The strengths he had used to persecute were now used to praise...to the glory of God.
God is the one who meets us on a road Face to face. I remember like it was yesterday when that happened to me. There's nothing like it. From the simple belief that Jesus was to meeting Him Face to face and then knowing Him personally. The biggest turn around is saying yes to Jesus instead of denying His importance in one's life. He is there for us. We just need to turn around and "see" that voice that we might see beyond our narrow little lives on earth. Then the rest becomes history.
Praise God for what He is beginning to do in these last days, for the lives that are going to change, for the peace He will bring in families and communities, churches, nations, the world. He is changing lives. He is at work and like Uncle Sam, His finger might be pointed right at you...He wants you. Maybe you sense it. I dare you to turn around and look. You might see His face...you might hear His voice asking us to arise and go, turn ourselves around.
He can use you. He can develop the strengths He has built within you. He can make what seems a successful life even more successful, or He can take what seems a dead end life and make it alive. All you need to do is turn around. Arise and go....
Acts 9:6 - So he, trembling and astonished, said, "Lord, what do You want me to do?" Then the Lord said to him, "Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."
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