Psalm 144:15b - Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!
To those who delight in the Lord. To those whose trust is in Him. To those who know His lovingkindness. To those who understand the truth of His Word. To those who understand that verses 3 and 4 speak of those who live by the Word of God in all aspects of their lives, then God is mindful of them. To those comes happiness! I ask you to take a moment and read all of Psalm 144.
Oh, more random thoughts! How my mind bounces around! Pardon my rabbit trails today. Many people, without God as center, believe their lives are going well...and why is there a need for God if that is the case? But the better blessings when He is center! A concept too hard to explain.
The Lord WILL stretch out His hand to rescue those who love Him (not a nameless higher power). He will deliver me out of life's challenges, be they people or situations. When we see God's hand at work we CAN sing to Him a new song. We CAN know what truth is in a world full of deceit and falsehoods coming across as truth. Thank God for the real truth, for the real God and not some counterfeit. Our God is alive and watching over us. Our God supplies all our needs according to His Word and His riches in glory through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). His.
Just this week our state, Wisconsin, underwent recall voting for Republican senators. This was done because our governor, Scott Walker, has turned the liberal tables of our state to conservative much to the chagrin of many. Let me say that Scott Walker comes from and submits to Christian ideals and I totally believe God is on his side as we've seen the conservative policies holding their own, as this recall election fell flat and all the money spent to bring it about wasted. God always upholds goodness and truth. I look at Walker in the midst of all this and see peace in his demeanor. Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!
It's hard to explain and even harder for some to comprehend that the truth is always a good thing to uphold. Walker is holding to truth and it's aggravating many. As he continues to do what is right in God's eyes, I believe he will be favored. There are many who believe something which seems right to them (Proverbs 14:12). They are believing lies. If we seek the truth, listen and note the goodness and fairness that comes out of doing what's right, God will provide...both happiness and provision. I believe with all my heart that there is a close connection between understanding God's truth and our lives in general. We WILL see things differently in the world if we know what real truth is. It's best to stand behind the truth and morally right thinking and actions.
This isn't where I really wanted to go with this but there's a link here! Psalm 144 describes how Happy are the people whose God is the LORD! If God, our LORD, is our center, goodness prevails and happiness is a result.
God is truth and truth is good. If we believe that then Psalm 144 is a reminder that when we hang on to that God will be our supplier. The Psalmist tells us He will deliver those who believe, trust and adhere to the beliefs that His ways are good. We can believe that our days and needs will be supplied through Him in the midst of bad times. Why shouldn't the same hold true in the world? God gives to us the talents and when we use them justly and give of ourselves to Him, He continues to supply. I'm believing like in the case of Scott Walker....
Psalm 144:7-8 and 11 both tell us: Stretch out Your hand from above; rescue me and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of foreigners whose mouth speaks lying words, and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood. Foreigners here are those who are considered strange,--those who think in opposition and those who misunderstand and misconstrue truth, who are corrupt in their judgment and enterprises. Oh, I'm sure I'm going to step on toes! Yes, it's all about interpretation, which is understanding the difference between truth and lies. Seek the truth for yourself. Let your heart be open to receive. Know the truth and let it set you free (John 8:32).
Psalm 144 tells me that if we do what is right in God's eyes, both individually and as a nation or politically, we will be supplied by the God of all creation. But seeking that truth, believing in that first, is the key. Oh, where have we gone and what lies ahead? For God's faithful followers, the answer is clear. He will supply our needs. And as long as there is someone out there who stands by God's truth and who gets chosen for the job of leading our country or state, truth and happiness will prevail. Getting them into that position is where the problem lies! Reliance on man seems to be the issue. No one wants to hear that a candidate relies on God (truth).
Know God, know truth...even politically. Live a life consistent with God's desires, centered in understanding His truth. Then the true blessings and happiness (even for a state or country) will be the outcome.
Psalm144:15a - How blessed are the people who are so situated...
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