1John 4:1 - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
On Sunday in Sunday school someone mentioned a billboard she saw. I've seen one somewhere myself. It's nationwide. It said "He is coming again...May 21, 2011. You can know." When I saw it I recalled the words Jesus Himself said: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." (Matthew 24:36)
I wondered who was instigating this claim but had not done any research. I only knew from Sunday's discussion that a family radio station (nationwide) supported this theory. We were talking in class Sunday about false prophets and our need to be keenly aware of what the Word tells us and to test the spirits...look for the answers in God's word. In this regard, the answer is quite easy to understand, as you can read above.
In order to know truth from the obvious world "fiction" we must know what God's Word tells us. Oh, there will always be different interpretations of some scriptures. It happens. Man is not perfect. But there are some things God tells us which cannot be disputed. One is the day or hour Jesus is to return.
I will tell you that there is a false prophet out there telling us Jesus will return May 21, 2011! This man, Harold Camping, believes there is a Bible code of some sort which he has figured out that points to this specific date. Then why does the Bible tell us only God knows...? Does this make Camping smarter than God? According to Camping God has put the information into the Bible...for man to be able to figure out...from code.
I ask the question: then what is God trying to tell us when He says no one will know the day or the hour? Here's the big thing. A VERY BIG THING. Those of us who know and believe that Jesus will return and that the signs of the times are making it appear to be sooner than later...and I am one who believes we are living in the last days...when May 21 comes and goes without incident, satan has won another battle in securing more skeptical hearts with his own lies.
It's bad enough people turn their backs on dedicated Jesus followers. But, as we are also told about the last days, followers will be persecuted for their beliefs (John 15:20). There will be a rise, I'm sure, of scoffers. But we who stand in truth and hold on to what we believe, must ...lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and ... run with endurance the race that is set before us...(Hebrews 12:1). We have those whose faith carried them through their lives despite difficulties and mocking as witnesses to the promises we will receive, even if we don't see them in our lifetime.
So, I am a messenger of sorts to any who might happen upon this blog. I will be subject to criticism. It comes with the territory. Anything or anyone that goes against the worldview will be.
Also according to the Bible there are things that were prophesied that had to happen before Christ returns...there are still things that need to happen...we're little by little seeing some of them unfold in just what we see happening in the world. The stage is being set.
Just know this...Jesus did come to this earth to bring salvation to those who would receive Him into their lives. We must know this now because if our last day were to be today, in the next day or hour, where are we in relation to Christ? The promises in the Bible are true for all who are His followers. To prevent ourselves from falling into the lies of the enemy we must first know Jesus. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith and it is He who shows us what truth really is. There is a lot in this world that seems good but one needs to have access through Jesus Christ to the proper discernment to pick out falsehoods from reality.
No, the world will not end May 21. I do not follow the date-setting crowd. I follow a God, the Ancient of Days, who has created all things and knows all things, even the intent of all our hearts, and who knows the beginning from the end. He created the world. He, therefore, will be the One to end it. Not Harold Camping nor any other false prophet.
Psalm 100:3, 5 - Know that the LORD, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.
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