Judges 3:7-10 - So the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD. They forgot the LORD their God, and served the Baals and Asherahs [idols]. Therefore the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and He sold them into the hand of Cushan-Rishathaim king of Mesopotamia; and the children of Israel served Cushan-Rishathaim eight years.
In the Book of Judges we see God is constantly being rejected by Israel. They live their lives the way they choose. His anger grows hot for them and He allows them to be delivered into the hands of neighboring nations. It says specifically that He "sells them" into their hands. When Israel can't take it anymore they cry out for mercy. The LORD hears, has pity for them and, in this part of history, appoints a judge over them. Since this judge is God-appointed they fare well when dealing with their enemies. They maintain peace for a time.
But, as usual, Israel does evil in the sight of the LORD and history repeats itself even more...in God's anger the enemy is allowed to capture them, they become oppressed, cry out to God for deliverance, are saved and a new judge is appointed. I've forgotten how many judges they had, but each judge was appointed after Israel was once again disobedient.
You'd think they would have learned. You'd think they would have enjoyed a time of peace and would have done what they knew would hold that peace. This might be the way it is for us also, as a nation and individuals. We get to a place of dire need and when it gets bad enough and we've lived apart from God long enough and realize a need for deliverance, more strength and wisdom when we've finally come to the end of ourselves. Who are we looking to for strength and mercy when this happens?
These judges of the Old Testament were a type of Jesus Christ. God appointed them to deliver and redeem. When the people lived under their judge they had peace and safety. Their enemies could not stand up to them. That's what Jesus does for us. He gives us the peace that passes all understanding and as long as we abide in Him our enemy has no strength to beat us down. We have His peace in our lives. All we need do is call on the name of the Lord and the enemy must flee. He is the One who covers us and shows us mercy.
There will always be some who attempt to whittle down our security and strength. Sometimes it's nations; sometimes individuals who know us well. They might be opposed to our lifestyle or may be jealous of what we have or even believe they can take control. If God is our strength He will protect us. But only if we are dependent upon Him.
Imagine a life or a country guided solely by God. Imagine the peace. Do you suppose our founding fathers understood this? God gave Israel their land so if it was given to them, if they were capable of moving out of captivity from Egypt to rise up and start a new life with new goals and ideals trusting God for all their needs, thanking Him for the opportunity for this new life, doesn't it sound a bit like what happened to us when we came to this land? Or maybe as individuals we've been given an opportunity for growth in new communities. If God is involved it will be successful. If it is not of God it will collapse.
I know this: God has promised a day will come when those who have abided in and with God will attain that everlasting peace. We can have a peace in this world now when we give our lives to Christ. But some day, Christ will return and all evil will be wiped off this earth and those who have trusted in the Lord will live with Him in absolute peace. It's all about our lives in Christ. It's all that matters in this world. Judge for yourself where your trust lies. Judge for yourself how deep your relationship is with God. Judge for yourself the deepness of your relationship. Do you opt for personal relationship with Him where He is showing you who He is or do you opt for only a religion that tells you what to believe? Just judge yourself...and for yourself. Judge not your neighbor for it is up to God to judge them.
As a nation we do not know nor do not adhere to the policies, the laws, of God. God set forth laws that people might live peaceably. But men have chosen their own laws.
Psalm 19:7-8 - The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes...
Yes, Israel obeyed then disobeyed God repeatedly. And He always pitied them when they realized their wrongs, when they once again realized God as perfect, sure, right and pure. God has a forgiving heart. But there will come a time when He will have done as much as He can and then He will say, "enough." I believe He will be thinking: I have tried repeatedly to get people to acknowledge Me as their God. I have blessed them even if they didn't deserve it. I have shown Myself to them and talked to them to get their attention. I have sent others to do My work. But there are still those who refuse to acknowledge Me. Time is short. I have been planning for thousands of years to bring this disobedience to an end. Those who have chosen to listen and to follow Me will, like one of the thieves on the cross next to My Son, be in Paradise with Him. But to those who refuse, they will be like the other thief and enter into eternal damnation. My patience is wearing thin.
God will bless for just so long. His anger is probably hot in this world now. And His pity, although it will continue for a time, will also end. I doubt things will change in this world. Jesus will to return soon to put an end to all that is happening today. It is important to keep ourselves in close relationship with Him that others might see Him through us. He WILL return. Will YOU be ready?
Matthew 24:44 - Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
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