Jeremiah 1:16 - I will utter My judgments against them concerning all their wickedness, because they have forsaken Me, burned incense to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands.
I opened my Bible to where the bookmark was located. It was the Book of Jeremiah. He was one of the major prophets of the Old Testament. I was struck by some of the words God asked Jeremiah to speak to the people of Israel, although I've read them before.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2Timothy 3:16). It is just as important to read the Old Testament as the New. The Old shows us what happened to Israel when they did not follow God...and it shows us today what can happen. The New, on the other hopeful hand, shows us where our salvation lies, in Jesus Christ. It shows us the plan God had in place to help this fallen world. We need to know history so we are able to understand what is happening today. We can't ignore our past, even the ancient past, which is rich in details.
We can recognize what's happening to us today and look back on world history to see similarities. There are more similarities in the Old Testament if we look hard enough.
Jeremiah was asked to show the people what they had done and the judgment God would bring against them for their actions. We cannot assume that God does not have a hand in today's world, because He truly does. He is not some distant "higher power (ugh)" whose job was finished with creation. He is a God who knows the beginning from the end and we have not ended yet. He is keenly aware of every detail of every person's life and every circumstance taking place in this world. What is happening today was prophesied thousands of years ago in the Old Testament and it's time we take notice. We must also grasp the promise given to us in the New Testament through salvation in Jesus Christ.
Without that salvation, without the acceptance of His free gift, without the knowledge of Jesus, there is no hope. Despite what might be happening in this world, if we know Jesus personally as Lord and Savior of our lives, we have nothing to fear. There is no doom and gloom. If what is perceived is considered doom and gloom, Jesus does not reign in that life.
Despite the worst that could be upon us, the best is yet to come through the return of Jesus Christ. Oh, again I know there are many who will scoff at this thought...just like the Bible tells us will happen in the last days. This is God's story and He's sticking with it!
Like so many I personally know, my church, even Glenn Beck, we know that we know that we know that our country is in peril because "we have forsaken God." Little by little He has been ignored, even by intelligent people who have bought into the "let's not offend, let's embrace the diversity of all religions" concept. I'll tell you, it's harder to stick to the guns of Christ and Christianity than it is to accept the worldview. But then our strength is in the Lord.
Here are some scripture references I underlined from Jeremiah because they spoke to me about our nation:
They have gone far from me.
(The LORD) brought us up out of the land of Egypt.
I (the LORD) brought you into a bountiful country.
The rulers also transgressed against Me...and walked after things that do not profit.
Have you not brought this on yourself, in that you have forsaken the LORD your God when He led you in the way?
Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing that you have forsaken the LORD your God.
Why do you gad about so much to change your way?
(Jeremiah 2:5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 19, 36)
These scriptures aren't just for us as individuals, or us as a country, but even to the Church. Remember, churches are man-made. It is harder to find a church today that is totally sold out for Jesus, not willing to become complacent about what God says a church should be. We must also understand that although God is a loving God, He is also One who will judge.
Remember this: God never changes. What He has done in the past He can do today. There is a major theme in these scriptures...we have forsaken God (verse 5). Isn't He the One who brought us out of our slavery from England (verse 6)? Isn't He the One who brought us to this "bountiful country" that we might flourish under His blessing (verse 7)? Aren't we experiencing rulers who are more power hungry than caring about the people of this nation (verse 8)? Haven't we as a nation brought this all on ourselves because we have not stood by God (verse 17)?
I'm not trying to portray doom and gloom...just the facts. There's always a hopeful side to this, even if our country as a whole does not want to do this: We have a hope in Jesus Christ. Those who follow Him faithfully, closely, unashamedly, may endure struggles. Will endure is more like it. But it's not what's here on earth we are to be obsessed with. It's our relationship--not religion--with our Savior, the One who has brought us out of our sinful captivity and given us a spiritual freedom that cannot be taken away no matter what happens in this world.
Below is just part of the hope and promise given in Psalm 146. Take time to read the entire, encouraging Psalm. Praise the LORD!
Psalm 146:5-6 - Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps truth forever.
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