Thursday, July 1, 2010

Clouds are as Dust

Nahum 1:3-4 - The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.

I had been noticing over the past few days trails of big, puffy clouds. When there is an unobstructed view they form like an endless funnel shape...

Think about what this means. Each cloud is like a particle of dust to God. Can't imagine it, can you? How awesome and great He is. It is said He is greater than any problem we might have, no matter what the size. Whether you've done some horrible thing in this life, something so unspeakable you don't believe you can be forgiven or as small as a white lie or critical thought, He is able to forgive. He's that great.

He is high and lifted up and He looks over us at all times. It is said He never slumbers nor sleeps. We cannot hide anywhere from Him. Even if we go to the depths of hell He is there. I'm trying not to take that too literally and looking at that scripture to mean that no matter how low we could become in this life He is always there to offer His hand to lift us up, to bring us out of our shame, sorrow or pain. His hand is always extended to us.

The clouds are as dust beneath His feet... If the clouds are as dust, His hands must be pretty big as well! Because of His greatness, there is nothing so big that He can't handle it. I like that idea. When I go into despair He will be there. When things seem out of control, He is not the author of my confusion but the bringer of peace and contentment.

It amazes me sometimes that some Christians rarely show the peace that passes all understanding that God can bring. I know some have difficult lives, maybe more so than others, but they seem to be unable to wrap their heads around the peace that the Lord has. They are focused on their situation and not what God may be doing through their circumstances. They have lost their joy. But our God is greater than their circumstances.

We all go through stages of life where something dreadful happens and we are in pain or discomfort over it for sometimes longer than we would like. Like I wrote Monday, it's at the very moment we are experiencing that that we should seek God for peace. (Well, actually, it was Oswald Chambers who said this!)

The clouds are like dust beneath His feet... His greatness is nothing we can comprehend. We just need to seek Him in the moment of our weakness. Think about being on the beach and picking up a handful of sand. Do you feel powerful? Of course not. It's nothing for you to do. That's how it is with God. He is in control of all things in this world, each day; His creation never ends and there's order in the things He has created. That is important to Him, but more important are His children. And He holds us securely in the palm of His hands when we have come into relationship with Him. 

I would surely want to place myself in the care, the hands of, such an awesome God.

Jeremiah 32:26-27 - Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?

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