Monday, June 7, 2010

The Truth About Truth

John 8:32 - Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

In our last Truth Project lesson on Labor: Created to Create, Gordon Pennington spoke about truth. 

“Truth is the search for the things that are most reliable, sustainable, absolute. Truth is the desire to have something that we really can put our trust in. Truth deserves to be tested. Truth is being tested in this age like no other, and the pursuit of truth ultimately necessitates a kind of struggle; a struggle with ourselves, a struggle with the environment we live in, a struggle with those who maintain that they have a position that’s superior to ours, a struggle to really weigh all of the proposals and the answers and ideas and come up with something we can really rely on.”

“The risks of pursuing truth are tremendous. And what could be a greater adventure than to risk everything in pursuit of the one thing that endures. If truth isn’t worth all that, then it probably isn’t truth at all.” – Gordon Pennington

Without mentioning Jesus one time, I see Him all throughout this quote! 

Time out! After having written this I read something by Randy Robison, Pastor James Robison's son. It also was about truth. It was about Pilate asking "What is truth?" Robison pointed out the definition:  Our English word for truth comes from the Old English trēowth which means “fidelity.” It is akin to the Old English trēowe, meaning “faithful.” One modern definition is “conformity to reality or actuality.” Now think about that. Can a thing or a what be faithful? A person can, but not a what.

Truth is the search for something that is most reliable, sustainable, absolute. Well, if that isn't what Jesus is. If He is Truth, this is truth itself! 

Truth is the desire to have something that we really can put our trust in. Hmmm, there He is again. When will we learn that trust only comes from God and not man.

Truth deserves to be tested. Yes, and we are to test all that we hear by checking the Word of God. And who is the Word of God? Jesus again. Robison took scriptures and exchanged the word "truth" for Jesus. It made perfect sense. Take the paragraphs above by Pennington and do the same. Amazing...amazingly true.

Truth is being tested in this age like no other, and the pursuit of truth ultimately necessitates a kind of struggle; a struggle with ourselves, a struggle with the environment we live in, a struggle with those who maintain that they have a position that's superior to ours, etc.... Wanting to know the truth, or know the Truth (Jesus), can be a struggle. It means giving up all we've learned. It is a struggle. Those things we always thought were good are now evil; those things we believed in we now see as a total mistake; those people we hung out with we now struggle with. It's even a struggle to let some of these things go at first. We see things in this world so totally different. And where do we now turn for the truth/Truth? We go to the Word of God and Jesus for the truth of His words. The answers lie there.

The risks of pursuing truth are tremendous. We will rub people the wrong way when we have received Christ and His truth. We used to fit in and now we could be ostracized. There are some things and people we will have to give up to pursue truth. It really is that struggle Pennington tells us about. Letting go of those things we've always been comfortable with is something we have to do...sometimes it's not so difficult, but when it comes to relationships, wow.

And what could be a greater adventure than to risk everything in pursuit of the one thing that endures. Jesus endures and believe me it is a great adventure. Trusting Him for all things, seeing Him at work, hearing from Him, knowing His voice--all adventures. And they don't stop. There's always a new day and a new experience. Jesus shows up at the oddest times and at the most needed times, even the most unexpected and gratifying times.

If truth isn’t worth all that, then it probably isn’t truth at all. a relationship with Jesus worth it? You bet. Knowing the truth, in the world, is both satisfying and frustrating.  Satisfying because it is yet another one of the privileges of knowing God, knowing He has entrusted you with this knowledge. Frustrating because you can clearly see in others when they don't have the Truth abiding in them, when they appear to be misguided. Jesus speaks the truth. It's wise to listen.

Jesus is Truth and knowing Him sets you free. Major burdens are released. Who wouldn't want that?

Hebrews 6:18 - It is impossible for God to lie.

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