Amos 8:12 - People will stagger from sea to sea and from the north even to the east; they will go to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, but they will not find it.
There was a time in history, in the Old Testament, when Israel got to a point of such disobedience, God silenced Himself from them. Before Christ came to open their spiritual eyes and offer a fresh touch from God, they were without His voice for 400 years.
The scripture above describes what would happen to God's people when they finally realized they had gone too far on their own. I pray for those who are in that place right now in their lives, that they begin to seek while He can still be found. There is such a push to eradicate everything attached to God that it has become hurtful.
I'm of the opinion that we might just see this happen again. God will get to a point where enough is enough and He will silence Himself. At the same time, I'm thankful that although it might happen, God will return. But it's best for us to not allow Him to get to this point.
I'm amazed at how the past 60 years or so have turned this world upside down. There was a morality when I was a child. There was still an adherence to authority, including children with their parents. They didn't sass or give attitude like many do today. They weren't as disobedient. It wasn't all about them. It was about family. Television was good. It wasn't filled with dysfunctional families and ignorant fathers. What was right was right and wrong, wrong. Today what once was right is now wrong and vice versa.
Sadly, we have lost almost all form of morality. There was a time before I knew the Lord that every imaginable word for God was spewed like vomit out of my mouth. Often all in the same sentence. It was commonplace to swear at work; no one cared. Now it's difficult for me to even watch television where the Name that is above all names is used like you would say, "gosh." His name should be reverenced, not trashed or used commonly. Call me a prude, but it's my story and I'm sticking with it! I can't imagine what God must feel when He hears this day in and day out more times than we can even count.
I feel as though many have so minimized God that they don't recognize His work in this world anymore. We are in a time when we need to be recognizing who He is and what He is capable of doing. He is the Name above all names. There is none greater than He, not His disciples/apostles, not His mother, not the greatest golfer or baseball player, not even us! He alone is worthy of all praise. He alone is the One who died for our sins. Oh, there have been many who have lost their lives for the sake of Jesus. They have withstood many tests all for that Name. And there will be many more in the future.
There's still time to turn around and begin to think about your life and how it came about. In a discussion with a friend today she told me about a man who asked some prison inmates pointed questions: "How did you get here?" "Who do you blame for your imprisonment?" "Was it your girlfriend?" "Did you choose that person to be your girlfriend?" " was your was your choice." Only we make the choices that lead us to where we are in life. It's always about our choices.
There's still time to thank God for the life He has given you. If your life is not to your liking, there's still time to seek God for the change only He can make. It's your choice! You cannot, however, put Him in a box. He is more than able to do anything. We think in terms of what we believe is able to be done; He is so much more capable. You can't control your temper, your gambling, your pride, your ________ (fill in the blank!), you say? God can. If He can hold the oceans in the palms of His hands and place the stars in the skies that they don't fall until He allows them to, how can we not trust Him for everything...and I mean everything...for this nation's finances, the oil spill, healthcare, your job, your family...your temper, etc. ...
He cannot be put in a box. He does not have a house in which to live: He is everywhere at all times and knows everything at all times. We need Him more than we can possibly imagine and He can be all things to all people. If you need love, He is love. If you need redemption, He is your Savior. If you need freedom from some stronghold in your life; He is the Fortress you can run into.
Day by day I am learning over and over to put more and more trust in Him. As soon as I question "how" or "why" I am reminded that God knows and I need to believe that any time something bad happens in my life...and in everyone's life...something good will come out of it, even though we may have to wait. If everything came easily and when we wanted it we would not have to trust in God. That's why He has designed life as it is. It's all about Him and it's all about glorifying Him in the process.
I'm so thankful for the very few friends I have who seek God like I do. Our conversations never get stale, are usually filled with peace and joy, even if they start out with a frustration of some sort. We strengthen each other, we sharpen each other with the positive and sometimes hard talk about a God who loves all people and only desires for all people to return that love. He knows not all will. He knows not all will understand the concept of relationship over religion. I know I am only one person used to plant seeds. Hopefully some day I will see just one seed that I planted begin to root and bear fruit. But it's not about me and "the little" that I do. It's about a God who is thankful for one person's obedience to His call on their life.
Seek God while you are still able. This world...this nation striving to remove the name of God, to silence Him. Seek Him while He may still be found. Seek Him and His Word that it may be buried deep within your heart, never to be forgotten. Seek Him and let Him give you the strength now to have that faith in Him. Mankind will fail, but He never will. That I can guarantee. His Name may be banished in order to promote diversity and/or tolerance, but knowing that Name in your heart and soul, despite the frustration in this world, will be the peace and joy that you can carry within forever. The Name above all names...Jehovah, the proper name of the one true God which literally means: "the existing One."
Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.
Phew, it worked out just fine!!
ReplyDeleteIt worked out wonderfully ... and the message is clear ... seek Him now while you still can!