Psalm 40:2 - He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.
I heard a very quick news story this morning. It had to do with the survival of a man in the recent Haiti earthquake. He survived on Coca Cola and potato chips. I'm assuming this was a recent survival. When he was removed from the wreckage he said he was going to give his life to Jesus. And I would imagine the angels were rejoicing.
Isn't that just the way it is? We wait until we are in dire straits before we make the commitment. I was watching a program the other night about people who survived death. They actually died and came back to life. I listened intently to what they experienced and none were the same. They all explained peace and light, although I don't know for a fact that any of them had given their lives to the Lord. Obviously I've not experienced this so I'm no expert. It's possible these people experienced what they did, but it could just have been their imaginations, something we cannot pinpoint, that was giving them a sense of reality? Only God knows. Two main things came out of their experiences, however...they knew what was going on around them at the time and upon recovery their lives were completely changed...they now no longer took their families for granted and probably lived each day as if it was their last.
On a more personal note, we had a bit of a scare this past week with one of our kitties! Long story short, he was rushed to an animal hospital Friday with acute renal failure due to unknown causes but probably some sort of ingested toxin. The doctors all asked the same probing questions for which I could not answer because I don't watch them day in and day out to see what mischief they might get into. Cats are cats. But I began to ask myself, am I taking them for granted? Am I not paying enough attention to the things they do? I don't think so; they just get into stuff when you're not looking.
I just described three scenarios where lives were saved. Now although the cat won't change anything about how he lives the rest of his life, all the others did. So what am I leading up to?
The man in Haiti...buried under all the rubble. The people who were given a second chance at life. This is what Jesus is all about. This is what He has come to this earth to lives. We are all, in some way, buried under the rubble of sin. Not one of us is without sin. We can't clean ourselves up. We need Someone to rescue us. But when we choose, like the man from Haiti did, to give our lives to Jesus, we are made clean by Jesus' blood spilled for us, by His blood that covers us and makes us righteous.
The other people experienced a second chance. Jesus is all about second chances...a new birth...being born again...renewed. He gives us the chance to turn our lives around. He removes us from the burden of sin and works righteousness within us. I am so thankful for this Man! I am thankful that He took the stripes upon His back and allowed the agony of crucifixion...for me and for anyone who is willing to give their lives to Him. As Romans tells us For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Romans 10:13) That Haitian man knew Who to call on and the arms of the Lord were open to him.
Funny how all these scenarios came about this weekend. Perhaps it was to teach me a lesson about taking anything for granted. We all need to be more careful how we
speak to and treat others. We rely on them to always be there. A friend of mine has a friend who was recently taken to ICU with a condition that should have been treated sooner. She's lucky to be alive. She was just short of all her organs shutting down. She neglected the signs of a problem. In this situation her husband has changed realizing he might have lost her. He's taken on a different view of life himself. Whether it continues or not is something only God can work out in him.
When God lifts us out of that pit of sin, He plants us on a more sure Foundation. He guides in the truth of His word. He empowers us by the power of His Holy Spirit. God's plan for us can be followed. It can lead us into victory. Who wouldn't want a second chance at life? And this life that Jesus offers is eternal. We are given wisdom and understanding, the most important things we should desire. With them all other things fall into line.
But there is one thing no one should ever take for granted and that is God's call to salvation. God is always ready to lift us up, bring us new life, give us that second chance. His desire is for you. His desire is that none should perish, but all would have eternal life...that's all people, all denominations, all religions. He's willing to lift us all so we may all be on that solid Foundation of Jesus Christ. Is He calling you?
Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Isn't the difference in us and the Haitians that they can see the rubble they're under ... and we too often aren't even aware of our own?