Matthew 7:13-14 - "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
What is a path? The definition I found is a trodden way; a track specially constructed for a particular use. I imagine most paths as narrow.
I think of the paths in the woods surrounding our house. When we first moved here they were quite evident as a woman used to walk her dog through them frequently. Then the subdivision was built and the area became inhabited. I believe she stopped walking through the little preserved sanctuary. I've wandered those paths; they were probably deer trails to begin. Because I didn't walk them as often they became overgrown. At times I would go in with clippers as I walked to clear way overhanging shrubs or kick aside fallen branches or move downed trees.
But most evident was the narrowness of the path. You had to keep your eyes focused on where you walked or you might get tangled in a thorn infested shrub or twist an ankle on a rock or even get slapped in the face by a low hanging branch.
Staying on the narrow path...Jesus guides us on this path. He is the Way; He is the Gate. His is specially constructed for a particular use. His ways are righteous and true. When you follow His path there is a blessing. You follow His path and He makes it straight. His path leads to salvation and eternal life...a very good particular use.
In Jesus' day there were no major roads. He spent much of His three years of ministry walking these paths, picking up people along the way who would follow Him. He performed miracles on these paths. This was His way.
The world is the wide path. Jesus the narrow Way. It's true, not many follow down that narrow Way because the wide road seems better, maybe seems to have more. I think about highways and freeways...they're dotted with advertisments, things to catch your eye, things to lure you, perhaps, to the nearest shopping mall or restaurant. You don't find that on the smaller, narrower paths, like in our nature preserve. The only thing you see is nature and wildlife. The narrow path to me seems more peaceful and dotted with beauty and magificence. That's Jesus. Step onto the narrow path, the Way, and this is what you will find. It's life.
I don't know why the thought of eternal death crept into my mind. There will actually be some who enter into a place quite the opposite of heaven, a place the Bible says (not me) where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth...forever...eternal death...just as those who choose to be on the narrow path with Jesus will live eternal lives with no more pain or sorrow. We don't just die and that's it (if it were what would be the point of life in the first place?) Eternal damnation Bible thumpers might say! It causes me to consider my salvation and it causes me to be concerned about others' salvation. I can't imagine how awful it will be.
The way was paved for us to follow. Taking the path is a sacrifice. It doesn't mean living without pain or trials in this world. It means giving up the things of the world which are hard for some to let go of. But if Jesus is the Way, the narrow Path, the narrow Gate, our Sacrifice, we are given the peace, protection, confidence and strength to maintain a foothold. Jesus says, "Follow Me." When we do, He gives us all we need. He IS all we need.
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