Friday, January 31, 2014


Matthew 5:2 - Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying: 

We pretty much know the Beatitudes. The meaning of the word is happiness, gladness, joy. They can sometimes be misunderstood. These words are for those who have come to realize that they are in need of a Savior, who have seen their sin, mourned it and have turned from it and now seek eternal rewards through doing God's will. I would guess most religions would suggest the Beatitudes are spiritual in nature, not in physical terms.

As I was in prayer, the words came to me: Let people know Your blessings...that they know they are blessed, but not in their own understanding of blessings, but Your form of blessing. I pray specifically for non-believers that they would come into relationship with God to have this understanding.

Poor in spirit...poor spiritually, not sad because they've not had an easy life but that they realize they are sinners and are humbled by it. They are blessed by knowing God's Kingdom is now theirs when they seek Him.
Those who mourn...mourn the sin they have realized they are in, and turn from it. They are blessed by God's comfort and nothing else.
The meek...those who relinquish their pride and humble themselves before the Lord. They are blessed knowing they will receive God's inheritance.
Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...those who have done all the above and have given their lives to Christ and seek to do God's will. They are blessed when they do and HE gives them all they require.
The merciful...once in God's will our hearts seek to help others. Blessings come when they receive God's mercy.
The pure in heart...again doing God's will, seeing through His eyes, allowing Him to purify hearts. He is well pleased and they recognize His presence is with them and are blessed.
The peacemakers...more on what we are to be as we seek and do God's will. They become His disciples, His heirs, share in His blessings.
The persecuted...those who are scoffed for doing all the above, for seeking God, doing His will; proselytizing as it were. Because they have gone against the flow, speaking words that fly in the face of today's culture, the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

After Jesus shared these Beatitudes He emphasized the blessings of being reviled and persecuted for His sake. These will happen to those who stand on the Word of God and share this Word, in truthfulness, with others.

He calls us the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and we are so called to be the salt and the light to a dying world. And our reward is heavenly! Who can understand the ways of God? Who can understand that God is so good and offers blessings for doing hard things, that we are called to do? In the world we strive for the good things of the world. Strive first for God and receive eternal riches and treasures, not the things we can hold in our hands. When we glorify God, He is well pleased.

Jesus goes on to explain some other things regarding sin. We have defined sin in ways that make it more palatable. A white lie isn't really a lie if it said so as not to hurt someone. Hating someone isn't really murder because we have not taken a physical life. Ogling a woman is not really adultery because she has not been physically touched. God's ways are not ours. His thoughts not ours but generally the opposite. Unbelievers need some way to justify what they do or how they think. (Matthew 5)

Only God brings true blessings.They are for the poor in spirit, those who mourn their sinful nature, those who become meek and hunger and thirst for righteousness, for the merciful, pure in heart and
peacemakers (not in their own strength but God's), and those who do not avoid persecution. The blessings come when one comes to Christ, turns from their sins and allows Him to work out the perfection His way. Then the blessings come.

Psalm 3:8 - Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah 

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